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contoh kalimat ivy

"ivy" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Jesus, what the hell kind of Ivy League school is this?
    Yesus, sekolah macam apa ini?
  • One of your types, like the Ivy League type?
    Salah satu tipe-mu, seperti tipe Ivy League?
  • I took magda to dinner at the ivy.
    Aku mengambil magda untuk makan malam di ivy.
  • The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top.
    Tumbuhan merambatnya tidak sampai ke puncak.
  • We don't have poison oak or poison ivy.
    Kami tidak memiliki pohon beracun ataupun bunga beracun.
  • I've got my sights set on something a little more Ivy League.
    Aku memiliki pandanganku sendiri.
  • Vertigo also resolved his grudge with Poison Ivy.
    Herakles juga mengolesi panahnya dengan darah beracun Hidra.
  • That stuff on your leg... it's poison ivy.
    Hal itu pada kaki Anda... itu adalah poison ivy.
  • Mr. Ivy League won't even know we're here.
    Tuan Ivy League bahkan tidak tahu kita di sini.
  • He didn't have poison ivy up his ass.
    dia tidak mempunyai tumbuhan beracun di pantatnya.
  • Jacob Jankowski, Benzini Brothers' very own Ivy League veterinarian.
    Jacob Jankowski, dokter hewan Benzini Brothers' Ivy League.
  • Seeing as he's an Ivy League grad,
    Melihat karena ia adalah seorang lulusan Ivy League,
  • Man, there's this awesome record store on Main and Ivy.
    Ada toko kaset keren, Main dan Ivy.
  • I sent Cheerios off to the Ivy Leagues.
    Aku mengirim Cheerios lolos ke Liga Ivy.
  • One time he gave me a bouquet of poison ivy.
    Satu waktu, ia memberiku karangan bunga beracun.
  • And yes, I know what "patronize" means, fancy Ivy league boy.
    Dan ya, aku tahu arti "mengejek."
  • He was a monster. That's my girlfriend Ivy.
    dia itu seorang monster itu pacarku Ivy.
  • That's barely even an ivy.
    Dia pernah kuliah Cornell Hampir saja mirip dengan di Ivy.
  • There is a safe house in Ivy City.
    Ada sebuah rumah aman di Ivy City.
  • The agency, they don't just recruit Ivy League types.
    Agensi, mereka tidak hanya merekrut orang Ivy League.
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