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contoh kalimat kalung

"kalung" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Get rid of your wife and get my necklace.
    Singkirkan istri Anda dan mendapatkan kalung saya.
  • Lt's not really a necklace. lt's a rosary.
    Ini, AOS tidak benar-benar kalung. Ini, AOS rosario.
  • The pendant on your chest and the sword on your back.
    Kalung didada-mu... dan pedang dipundak-mu.
  • This necklace is given from your ex-boyfriend, isn't it?
    Kalung ini diberikan mantan pacarnya itu, bukan?
  • Actually, she gave me this necklace last summer.
    Sebenarnya, dia memberiku kalung ini musim panas kemarin.
  • A rosary is not a necklace. It's for prayers!
    Rosario bukanlah sebuah kalung Itu untuk berdoa!
  • I got the codes.The codes are on the necklace.
    Aku punya kode-kode. Kode tersebut di kalung.
  • But to give the necklace credit would be false.
    Tetapi untuk memberikan kredit kalung akan salah.
  • I just want that piece of jade on your chest!
    Aku hanya mau kalung Jade dilehermu!
  • My Ddoong Ja even got this necklace from me.
    Ddoong Ja-ku bahkan mendapat kalung ini dariku.
  • The one I gave her for our anniversary!
    Kalung yang kuberikan padanya saat Peringatan pernikahan kita
  • The one you were holding at the train crash.
    Kalung yang kau pegangi saat kecelakaan kereta
  • I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace.
    aku pernah lihat itu di kalung kalungnya Allison
  • Did Mariah outbid you on that necklace you wanted?
    Apakah kalung yang kamu inginkan diambil Mariah?
  • How can you kids stand to wear those chilipers?
    Mengapa kalian suka memakai kalung itu ?
  • She took the pearls, tracking device and all.
    Wanita itu mengambil kalung mutiara, Dan alat pelacaknya.
  • Please, keep your radiation tags on you at all times.
    Tolong pakai kalung radiasimu sepanjang waktu.
  • You know that collar Sniffer told us about?
    Kau tahu kalung yang Sniffer ceritakan pada kita?
  • Wait. ls it the box or is it the necklace?
    Tunggu, hadiahnya kotak atau kalung ?
  • He bought the necklace for you. For what purpose?
    dia membeli kalung untukmu untuk tujuan apa?
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