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contoh kalimat kapur

"kapur" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You better get your girdle out of mothballs.
    Sebaiknya kau mengambil korsetmu dari tumpukan kapur barus.
  • Rain washed some ofthe chalk away and exposed it.
    Hujan mencuci lapisan kapur. dan membuka itu.
  • Citatah is a very productive limestone mining area.
    Citatah adalah daerah pertambangan kapur yang sangat produktif.
  • There's cue chalk under his nails, not dried blood.
    Ada bekas kapur di kukunya, bukan darah kering.
  • Don't worry. You still have that alluring smell of chalk.
    Jangan kuatir, kau tetap bau kapur tulis.
  • The school board is empty The chalk has faded
    Dewan sekolah kosong kapur telah memudar
  • "with the Chalk of Fate in his right hand.
    " dengan Kapur Takdir di tangan kanannya .
  • Why does all my stuff smell like mothballs?
    Mengapa semua barangku berbau seperti kapur barus?
  • Well, what's worse, moths or mothballs?
    Nah, apa yang lebih buruk, ngengat atau kapur barus?
  • I don't have moths because I have mothballs.
    Saya tidak punya ngengat karena saya telah kapur barus.
  • Chalk another one up to the blundering Blur.
    Kapur satu sama lain hingga Blur blunder.
  • Even though you thought it was a level of chalk.
    Meskipun Anda pikir itu adalah tingkat kapur.
  • It's found mostly under sizeable deposits of limestone.
    kebanyakan itu ditemukan di bawah batu kapur.
  • And comes out by the stables. I've marked it with chalk.
    Aku menandainya dengan kapur.
  • They were taken from that cabinet over there.
    Kapur barus itu diambil dari lemari disana.
  • Well-armed for a mothball facility, wouldn't you say?
    Senjata yang bagus untuk fasilitas kapur barus, Betul kan?
  • Chalk two packs as slow as my fuckin' wife, apparently.
    Kapur dua bungkus seperti pekerjaan istriku saja.
  • Others look like small corals, producing heavy lime skeletons.
    Lainnya seperti koral kecil, memproduksi kerangka kapur berat.
  • The middle Jurassic rocks contain more limestones.
    Batuan Jurasik pertengahan mengandung lebih banyak batu kapur.
  • They have a daughter named Kaveri Kapur.
    Mereka memiliki seorang putri yang bernama Kaveri Kapur.
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