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contoh kalimat kate

"kate" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • She's Kate Fisher. She just couldn't stay away.
    Dia, Kate Fisher, dia tidak akan tinggal lama.
  • You're not actually thinking about cheating on Kate?
    You're not actually thinking about cheating on Kate?
  • And the "K.B." stands for Kate Barlow.
    Dan tulisan "K. B. " singkatan dari Kate Barlow.
  • I'm telling you, that wasn't my fault, Kate.
    Saya mengatakan, bahwa wasn apos; t salahku, Kate.
  • We're in uncharted waters here, Kate.
    Kami berada di perairan yang belum dipetakan di sini, Kate.
  • Please note the Jimmy Joyce in my Kate Spade.
    Harap dicatat Joyce Jimmy dalam Kate Spade-ku.
  • There's only one real Kate, and that's your Kate.
    Hanya ada satu Kate, dan itulah aku.
  • Kate, you showed me where the smoke was.
    Kate, kau menunjukkan kepadaku di mana asap itu.
  • But did you see her Kate Spade handbag?
    Tapi apa kau melihat tas tangan Kate Spadenya?
  • How the hell do you know what Kate wants?
    Bagaimana kau tahu apa yang diinginkan Kate?
  • Relax, Kate, this is going to work, I promise,
    Tenang Kate, kita akan berhasil, aku yakin
  • "Kate S, requests... video chat with John T"?
    "Kate S, meminta.. video chat dg John T"?
  • Those girls absolutely hate each other, Kate,
    Gadis2 itu benar2 saling benci satu sama lain, Kate
  • It is true that my name is kate logan,
    Memang benar bahwa nama saya kate logan,
  • Kind of looks like Kate Hudson's New York apartment.
    Seperti pied-à-terre Kate Hudson di New York.
  • Kate, it's too late. It's yöur own fault.
    Kate, ini sudah terlambat, itu adalah kesalahanmu sendiri.
  • Kate, you gotta just trust me on this, okay?
    Kate, kau harus percaya aku kali ini.
  • Look,when kate and I met,we had nothing.
    Lihat, ketika kate dan saya bertemu, kami memiliki apa-apa.
  • I could show him around until she gets back.
    Aku bisa mengajaknya berkeliling sampai Kate kembali.
  • So can I buy you a drink, Kate?
    Jadi bisa saya pesankan minuman untuk mu, Kate?
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