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contoh kalimat keeksentrikan

"keeksentrikan" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • But don't let Van der Woude's eccentricity fool you.
    Tetapi jangan biarkan keeksentrikan Van der Woude mengecohmu.
  • Corelli's eccentricity became well known.
    Keeksentrikan Corelli menjadi terkenal.
  • In his old age he published his Cato censorius (1591), and revised his Poemata, from which he purged juvenile eccentricities.
    Pada usia tua, ia mempublikasikan Cato censorius (1591), dan merevisi Poemata, dari mana ia membuang keeksentrikan masa mudanya.
  • He promotes weight-loss programs, most prominently through his Sweatin' to the Oldies line of aerobics videos, and is known for his eccentric, flamboyant, and energetic personality.
    Dia mempromosikan program penurunan berat badan, melalui video-video aerobik dengan slogan Sweatin' to the Oldies dan dikenal dari keeksentrikan, flamboyant, dan kepribadiannya yang energik.
  • Precession of the equinoxes, perihelion precession, changes in the tilt of Earth's axis to its orbit, and the eccentricity of its orbit over tens of thousands of years are all important parts of the astronomical theory of ice ages.
    Liukan ekuinoks, liukan perihelion, perubahan kemiringan sumbu Bumi pada orbitnya, dan keeksentrikan orbit Bumi selama berpuluh ribu tahunnya, semua itu adalah hal-hal penting dalam teori astronomi zaman es.