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contoh kalimat kepolisian

"kepolisian" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • State police got a gas station attendantin Riverdale.
    Kepolisian Negara mendapat petugas pompa bensin di Riverdale.
  • You have reached the Los Angeles Police emergency number.
    Anda menghubungi nomor darurat Kepolisian Los Angeles.
  • I am Officer Alex Murphy Detroit Police Department.
    Aku adalah Opsir Alex Murphy. Departemen Kepolisian Detroit.
  • They have more firepower than the police department.
    Mereka memiliki daya tembak lebih dari departemen kepolisian.
  • The entire police department will be twiddling their thumbs.
    Seluruh departemen kepolisian akan memutar-mutar jempol mereka.
  • This is the police department calling to inform you that
    Ini dari kepolisian ingin memberitahumu bahwa
  • I want the Hong Kong Police handling this.
    Aku mau Kepolisian Hong Kong yang menangani ini.
  • SP Wong was dedicated to the police force and you investigated him?
    Dia mengabdi untuk kepolisian?
  • I wish you every success in the police force
    Semoga kalian berhasil dan sukses di kepolisian
  • Assassin secretary general of the police bureau Surprising people.
    Pembunuhan Sekretaris Jendral Kepolisian bureau mengagetkan masyarakat.
  • I've explained it to the police many times.
    Aku telah menjelaskan masalah ini berulangkali pada kepolisian.
  • Chicago PD identified her car outside her residence.
    Kepolisian Chicago melihat mobilnya ada di luar rumah.
  • I mean, she would be if she were on the force.
    Maksudku kalau dia anggota kepolisian.
  • I thought you were from the Junior Police Call
    Menurutku kau berasal dari kepolisian anak anak.
  • Lady Ashley? Sergeant Callahan of the Northern Territory Police.
    Lady Ashley, Sersan Callahan Kepolisian wilayah utara.
  • Isn't this the same police department my father was in?
    Bukankah ini sama kepolisian ayahku di?
  • Horace Rangel used the police department to harass journalists.
    Horace Rangel menggunakan Kepolisian untuk melecehkan wartawan.
  • You jumped to that conclusion yourself, which I hear you do
    Aku tidak bekerja di kepolisian.
  • Contact local P.D. And have them pick him up.
    Hubungi kepolisian lokal dan minta mereka menjemputnya.
  • This is a matter for the London Metropolitan Police.
    Ini adalah masalah untuk Kepolisian Metropolitan London.
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