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contoh kalimat kolera

"kolera" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We don't. Cholera epidemic in 1913.
    Kita tidak akan ke sana, ada wabah kolera tahun 1913.
  • I mean, Jesus, there could be cholera in there.
    Maksudku, Jesus, di sana mungkin ada kolera.
  • In 1854, London experienced a terrible cholera outbreak.
    Tahun 1854, London mengalami wabah kolera yang mengerikan.
  • The cholera outbreak began in early October 2016.
    Wabah kolera mulai terjadi pada awal Oktober 2016.
  • Solomon died of dysentery or cholera within a month.
    Mendelssohn sembuh dari Kolera dalam waktu singkat.
  • You have seen cholera before, yes, doctor?
    Kau sudah pernah melihat kolera sebelumnya, kan, dokter?
  • He wrote the first European account on Asiatic Cholera.
    Ia menjadi pencatat Eropa pertama tentang Kolera Asiatik.
  • In 1834 his mother died during a cholera epidemic.
    Pada tahun 1834 ibunya meninggal wabah kolera merebak.
  • He died in Paris during an epidemic of cholera.
    Ia meninggal di Paris karena kolera.
  • And cholera was really the great killer of this period.
    Dan kolera adalah pembunuh hebat dari jaman ini.
  • She's lost three children and a husband to the cholera.
    Dia kehilangan tiga anak dan suaminya karena kolera.
  • A cholera epidemic in Zaire kills thousands of Hutu refugees.
    Epidemi kolera di Zaire menewaskan ribuan pengungsi Hutu.
  • Kids were dying of diarrhea and cholera.
    Anak-anak sekarat karena diare dan kolera.
  • Even the nationalists are afraid of cholera.
    Bahkan pihak nasionalis takut akan kolera.
  • There's cholera in my village, Sepegal.
    Ada wabah kolera di desa saya, Sepegal.
  • Cholera has taken up residence there.
    Kolera telah mengambil tempat tinggal di sana.
  • The number of cholera cases resurged after 27 April 2017.
    Jumlah kasus-kasus kolera muncul kembali setelah 27 April 2017.
  • Two years later Nobutaka died during a cholera epidemic.
    Dua tahun kemudian suaminya, Nobutaka meninggal dunia akibat epidemi kolera.
  • These are cholera beds in Haiti.
    Inilah bangsal penyakit kolera di Haiti.
  • They've had an outbreak of cholera there.
    Di sana terjadi wabah kolera.
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