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contoh kalimat kolese

"kolese" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The College was formerly located in Belgrave Square.
    Sebelumnya kantor Kolese ini bertempat di Belgrave Square.
  • Jack Russells also tend to be more combative.
    Kolese Kanisius juga tegas akan komitmen terhadap anti-narkoba.
  • It merged with a local college called Waco University.
    Melebur dengan sebuah kolese lokal bernama Waco University.
  • He graduated from the Forman Christian College in Lahore.
    Ia lulus dari Kolese Kristen Forman di Lahore.
  • Beech graduated in 1995 from Colby College.
    Beech lulus pada 1995 dari Kolese Colby.
  • He worked as teacher in Hindu College.
    Ia bekerja sebagai guru di Kolese Hindu.
  • It is known by the acronym MICO (Michael's College).
    Kolese ini biasa disebut dengan singkatan MICO (Michael College).
  • He became a Professor of History at MCC in 1971.
    Ia menjadi Profesor Sejarah di kolese tersebut pada 1971.
  • Cru has active communities on 1,740 college and university campuses.
    Cru mempunyai komunitas aktif ada 1.740 kampus kolese dan universitas.
  • The Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College became Aligarh Muslim University in 1920.
    Kolese Inggris-Oriental Mohammedan diubah menjadi Universitas Muslim Aligarh pada 1920.
  • He did some acting in college and other amateur productions.
    Ia beberapa kali akting di kolese dan produksi amatir lainnya.
  • Ammash attended the Baghdad Military College and the Baghdad Staff College.
    Ammash masuk Kolese Militer Baghdad dan Kolese Staf Baghdad.
  • Ammash attended the Baghdad Military College and the Baghdad Staff College.
    Ammash masuk Kolese Militer Baghdad dan Kolese Staf Baghdad.
  • Bemberg never received a high school diploma or a college degree.
    Bemberg tidak pernah meraih gelar kolese atau diploma sekolah tinggi.
  • He graduated from Guntur Hindu College, Andhra University in Commerce.
    Ia lulus dari Kolese Hindu Guntur, Universitas Andhra dalam bidang Komersial.
  • The main campus has been located on Park Avenue since 1873.
    Kolese tersebut menempatkan kampus utamanya di Park Avenue pada 1873.
  • Of the five colleges, the largest is Chancellor College in Zomba.
    Dari kelima kolese tersebut, yang terbesar adalah Kolese Chancellor di Zomba.
  • Of the five colleges, the largest is Chancellor College in Zomba.
    Dari kelima kolese tersebut, yang terbesar adalah Kolese Chancellor di Zomba.
  • TMI is the oldest Episcopal college preparatory school in the American Southwest.
    TMI adalah sekolah persiapan kolese Episkopal tertua di American Southwest.
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