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contoh kalimat konon

"konon" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • He was the son of the Athenian general, Conon.
    Ia adalah putra dari jenderal Athena, Konon.
  • Ungulates and cane rats lived around the lake.
    Calungga dan Calutat konon tinggal dipinggir danau gadang.
  • She was said to be politically talented and smart.
    Ia konon memiliki bakat politik dan cerdas.
  • Its creator was a chef named Lagasi.
    Konon guru mereka adalah seorang petapa yang bernama Guiguzi.
  • It's a little bit sad, although it's very beautiful.
    Ia sedikit gemuk tetapi konon sangat cantik.
  • ...supposedly just wandered off, disappeared into the woods.
    ...konon tersesat, dan menghilang di dalam hutan.
  • Well, supposedly, somebody who's not Waters shows up.
    Baik, konon, seseorang yang tidak diundang muncul.
  • Supposedly, it's just a twenty-four hour bug.
    Konon, itu hanya dua puluh empat jam bug.
  • Bragged about it, said, well, matched your wife's account.
    Menggembar-gemborkan soal itu, konon... cocok dengan laporan istrimu.
  • It purportedly chronicles myths in pre-Christian Europe.
    Konon itu catatan sejarah mitos sebelum masa Kristen di Eropa.
  • He is said to have been blinded, castrated, or both.
    Dia konon telah dibutakan, dikebiri, atau keduanya.
  • He spent two years in China to learn the language.
    Konon dua tahun untuk belajar bahasa Cina.
  • He also allegedly attempted to replicate Hitler's physical appearance.
    Ia juga konon berusaha untuk mengikuti penampilan Hitler.
  • There is a tradition that she died in the year 1290.
    Konon ia meninggal pada tahun 1290.
  • The name means "at the head of the watering hole".
    Nama ini konon berarti "di lubang air".
  • You Know, they say he's living on some greek island.
    Konon dia tinggal di satu pulau di Yunani.
  • Supposedly it's the resting place of Anubis's army.
    Konon, itu tempat peristirahatan Pasukan Anubis.
  • It is only a legend said to remove the soul.
    Konon hanya legenda saja yang bisa mengeluarkan jiwa.
  • They say his weapon of choice is a fucking drill.
    Konon senjatanya adalah bor.
  • Vinci detective with you, word is he's bent.
    Detektif Vinci bersamamu, konon dia korup.
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