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contoh kalimat korps

"korps" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • General Edward Strasser, Commander of the First Army Corps.
    Jenderal Strasser Edward, Komandan Korps Tentara Pertama.
  • I'm going to run you out of the Corps, Highway.
    Aku akan mengeluarkanmu dari Korps, Highway.
  • There's another corps coming that we haven't identified.
    Ada korps lain datang yang tak bisa diidentifikasi.
  • I was a master sergeant in the Marine Corps.
    Aku pensiunan sersan mayor di Korps Marinir.
  • The Marine corps don't, and this fucking country don't
    Korps Marinir tidak, negara sialanmu juga tidak.
  • The man I loved was in the peace corps.
    Pria yang kucintai pernah di korps perdamaian.
  • Are you a member of the U.S. Marine Corps?
    Apakah Anda seorang anggota Korps Marinir AS?
  • Army Corps of Engineers, anyone that can help.
    Korps Zeni Angkatan Darat, siapapun yang dapat membantu.
  • Put the division commander of Taebaek Corps on the phone.
    Sambungkan ke divisi komando Korps Taebaek.
  • Aida (1942) — Afrika Korps advance into Egypt.
    Aida (1942) — Afrika Korps memasuki wilayah Mesir.
  • My Service in the Special Corps of Gendarmes.
    Polisi rahasia ini dibantu oleh Korps Khusus Gendarmes.
  • Ryan, Joseph L. United States Army Air Corps. 0718359.
    Ryan, Joseph L. Korps Udara Amerika. C 0.718.359.
  • General Bradley's done a tremendous job with 2nd Corps.
    Jenderal Bradley bertugas amat baik bersama Korps ke-2.
  • It seems marriage and the Marine Corps weren't too compatible.
    Sepertinya pernikahan dan Korps Marinir tidak cocok.
  • No room in this man's Corps for me now.
    Tak ada ruang bagiku di Korps.
  • Madam Chancellor, members of the Diplomatic Corps, honoured guests,
    Nyonya Kanselir, Dan anggota korps diplomatik yang terhormat.
  • Instead he'll be hitting two corps of fresh Union infantry.
    ia akan memukul dua korps infanteri segar.
  • The Marine Corps doesn't have medical personnel.
    Korps Marinir doesn apos; t memiliki tenaga medis.
  • This is why I fucking love the Marine Corps.
    Inilah sebabnya aku cinta Korps Marinir.
  • What regiment were you in, the Royal Corps of Wankers?
    Resimen apa kau di, Royal Korps wankers?
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