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contoh kalimat lengkungan

"lengkungan" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You see the pressure points inside the pen grooves?
    Kamu lihat tekanan-tekanan di dalam lengkungan pena?
  • Broken jaw, busted zygomatic arch, typicawith face-first falls.
    Patah rahang, rusak lengkungan zygomatic, typicawith wajah-pertama jatuh.
  • You can tell by the half moon-shaped arches.
    Kau bisa tahu dari bentuk lengkungan bulan separuh.
  • Competitions include "Height", "Balance", "Arches", and "Artistic merit".
    Kompetisi meliputi "Tinggi", "Keseimbangan", "Lengkungan", dan "manfaat Artistik".
  • These are the natural curves in space.
    Semua ini adalah lengkungan alami di ruang angkasa.
  • If they pass through that arch, they're clean.
    Jika mereka melewati lengkungan itu, mereka bersih.
  • It's warps and curves in the fabric of space and time.
    lengkungan dan kurva dalam struktur ruang-waktu.
  • Keep this ceremony confined to the Hollows. Of course, Amanda.
    Buat upacaranya hanya disekitar lengkungan..
  • It only functions under these two arches.
    Hanya berfungsi jika diletakkan di bawah lengkungan ini.
  • He is a wizard with whorls, loops, and arches.
    Dia adalah ahli dalam ulir, putaran dan lengkungan.
  • The bricks along the top of the real arch
    Batu-bata di bagian yang berbentuk lengkungan
  • Bends in the pipe have little effect on efficiency.
    Lengkungan di pipa memiliki sedikit efek pada efisiensi.
  • Originally, real arches were part of the restaurant design.
    Awalnya, lengkungan sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari desain restoran.
  • His next two races were at Del Mar racetrack.
    Lainnya dua lengkungan berada di pantai Sungai Hrazdan.
  • I want you to put the Vigo under the arch.
    Aku mau kau meletakkan Vigo di bawah lengkungan.
  • You'll be on a learning curve as your horizon are broaden.
    Kau dalam lengkungan selagi horizon mu meluas.
  • We're still standing, just like that big-ass arch up there.
    Kita masih bisa bertahan.. ..seperti lengkungan di sana..
  • You had any word from your boys in the Hollows?
    Kau dapat info soal anakmu di Lengkungan ?
  • In the arch of his shoe there's an odd sort of mud.
    Di lengkungan sepatunya, ada semacam lumpur.
  • But he made mistakes in a good direction.
    Tapi, dia menemukan kesalahan dalam lengkungan.
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