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contoh kalimat log

"log" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "log" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I got the tower chief's log from that night.
    saya punya log kepala menara malam itu.
  • A phone logging on every 30 minutes. - Where?
    Telepon log on setiap 30 menit mana.-?
  • Find some logs and be quick about it.
    Cari beberapa log dan cepat tentang hal itu.
  • Thank you. Your comments will be noted in the log.
    Pendapatmu takkan dicatat dalam buku catatan.
  • But sir it's quite necessary to complete the log
    Tapi tuan, kita harus menyelesaikan bagian penutupnya
  • We're in. All right, guys, let start logging, all right?
    Baiklah, mari kita mulai catat, oke?
  • Out of the question in a water- logged, post quake state.
    Tidak bisa kalau situasinya begitu.
  • It's in the log as physical evidence. - It's evidence.
    Ada di catatan sebagai bukti fisik.
  • But the log file doesn't show a power surge.
    Tapi file log tidak menunjukkan loncatan listrik.
  • I know a lake, with a log cabin.
    Aku tahu sebuah danau, dengan sebuah pondok kayu.
  • We need to get our hands on that flight log.
    Kita perlu mendapatkan catatan penerbangan itu.
  • She hardly felt this log, and I wasn't holding back.
    Hit keras dan nyaris tidak merasakannya.
  • Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log?
    Hai, Ed, Kau mau memikirkan kembali kayu itu?
  • The log was made to translate wide things.
    Log dibuat untuk mengekspresikan hal-hal yang sangat besar.
  • He logged zero calls from this o'laughlin- - None.
    tak ada panggilan masuk atas nama o'laughlin.
  • I'm tracing the IP address where she logged on.
    Aku melacak alamat IP tempat dia mengakses.
  • And, uh, your family owned the logging mills back then.
    Dan kemudian keluargamu punya catatan penebangan.
  • Well, that's not true. The logs have been tampered with.
    itu tidak benar catatan telah dimanipulasi.
  • We think it's war logs from Afghanistan and Iraq.
    Tapi sepertinya catatan perang Afghanistan dan Irak
  • Log on and get inside access on your favorite drivers.
    Logondanmasukkedalam akses pada driver favorit kalian
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