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contoh kalimat lokomotif

"lokomotif" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Hey, you see those old locomotives over there?
    Hei, kau mau lihat lokomotif tua yang disana?
  • Environmental liability, track damage, car and locomotive loss.
    Kerusakan lingkungan, kerusakan trek, kerugian akan kehilangan lokomotif.
  • This is where we'll push the DeLorean with the locomotive.
    Dimana kita akan mendorong DeLorean dengan lokomotif.
  • He fell between the first car and the locomotive.
    Jahanam itu terjatuh diantara gerbong pertama dan lokomotif
  • Come along to watch the old trains. Wherever you go ga?
    Ayo kita melihat lokomotif tua itu.
  • We've got to keep them away from the locomotive.
    Kita harus menjauhkan mereka dari lokomotif.
  • Thus it was also the earliest battery electric locomotive.
    Dengan demikian itu juga lokomotif baterai paling awal.
  • The suffix F indicates a fireless locomotive (0-4-0F).
    Akhiran F menunjukkan lokomotif tanpa tungku pembakaran (misalnya 0-4-0F).
  • All locomotive of the SJS were steam locomotives.
    Seluruh armada lokomotif SJS adalah lokomotif uap.
  • All locomotive of the SJS were steam locomotives.
    Seluruh armada lokomotif SJS adalah lokomotif uap.
  • The remaining locomotives are either diesel- or electric-powered.
    Sisa lokomotif lainnya bertenaga diesel atau listrik.
  • The last steam locomotive was used in 1968.
    Lokomotif uap terakhir digunakan sampai tahun 1968.
  • For large diesel locomotives the UIC classification is used.
    Untuk lokomotif diesel besar, standar UIC-lah yang digunakan.
  • Originally, diesel locomotives were equipped with truck horns.
    Pada awalnya lokomotif diesel dilengkapi klakson truk.
  • Old Steam Trains and Locomotives in South Africa.
    Lokomotif dan Kereta Rel Diesel di Indonesia.
  • No Diesel locomotive being used currently.
    Pada masa ini, lokomotif diesel hidraulik menjadi lazim pada masa ini.
  • June 1957 - Introduction of diesel-electric locomotives.
    Lalu tahun 1957 mulai melaksanakan perawatan lokomotif diesel elektrik BB200.
  • Before leaving the locomotive, he attempted to apply the independent brakes.
    Sebelum meninggalkan lokomotif, dia mengerem dan menetralkan.
  • Provided, that locomotive's independent brake holds up.
    Sepertinya rem lokomotif itu tak mampu menahan.
  • Traditionally, trains are pulled using a locomotive.
    Secara tradisional, kereta api ditarik menggunakan lokomotif.
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