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contoh kalimat major

"major" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "major" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • My debts do mount up, don't they, major?
    hutang saya melakukan mount up, mereka tidak, besar?
  • Major Fincham, will you now please dismiss your men?
    Mayor Fincham, tolong bubarkan anak buahmu, sekarang?
  • Rest the men, Major, but keep them here.
    Istirahatkan orang2, Mayor, tapi tahan mereka di sini.
  • The major says he cannot issue... wine. Wine?
    Mayor bilang dia tidak bisa mengeluarkan ... anggur.
  • And, Major, that goes for the officers as well.
    Dan, Mayor, berlaku untuk para perwira juga.
  • The major feels the fire should be put out at once.
    Mayor merasa api harus dipadamkan.
  • If he was a major, he's a colonel now!
    Dia orang yg besar, dia kolonel sekarang!
  • Major, I picked up some great music from Honolulu.
    Mayor, aku dijemput musik besar dari Honolulu.
  • The problem is with recent and major collisions.
    Masalahnya adalah dengan baru-baru ini dan besar tabrakan.
  • I feel sorry for the dogs, don't you Major?
    Saya merasa kasihan sama anjing, kan Mayor?
  • Gunney Highway, Major Devin wants to see you, ASAP.
    Gunney Highway, Mayor Devin ingin segera bertemu.
  • Are you new to the infantry, Major?
    Kau orang baru di infantri, Mayor? - Ya, Pak.
  • Seminiferous tubules... labia major and minor, ducts... vulva.
    Tubulus seminiferus... labia mayor dan minor, saluran... vulva.
  • Major, I set up flares, frags and claymores.
    Mayor aku sudah mengatur api, asap, dan ranjau.
  • One out away from his first major league victory.
    satu lagi dari kemenangan liga utama pertamanya.
  • I wanna see a major display of low-level flying.
    Aku ingin melihat penampilan terbang tingkat rendah.
  • There are three major centers for transsexual surgery.
    Ada tiga tempat yang merupakan pusat pembedahan transeksual.
  • All present and accounted for, sir. Thank you, Major Ellis.
    Semuanya hadir dan sudah dihitung, Pak.
  • Major Marshall, good to have you here.
    Mayor marshall , baik untuk memiliki Anda di sini.
  • You've got a real bevy of beauties here, major.
    Andapunyaperkumpulannyata dari keindahan di sini , besar.
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