contoh kalimat memercik
- We need a visceral memory to spark his brain.
Kita butuh kenangan yang membekas untuk memercik otaknya. - She has certainly rippled the waters of our stagnant pond.
Ia telah memercik air di kolam kami yang tenang. - Stingray Echo, watch your six, you don't wanna get splashed.
Stingray Echo, menonton enam Anda, Anda tidak ingin mendapatkan memercik. - Was it you that splashed my face all over the papers?
Apakah itu yang kau yang memercik wajahku seluruh kertas? - Do you know when the fire within me first sparked?
Apakah kamu tahu kapan api dalam diriku pertama kalinya memercik ? - It's better than seeing this gorgeous body splattered all over the place.
Lebih baik daripada melihat indah ini memercik tubuh turun tempat. - I splashed myself silly.
Aku memercik sendiri konyol. - Straight husbands eating straight men piss gay first time Splashed
lurus suami makan lurus laki-laki kencing gay pertama waktu memercik - Fender Standard Car Mudguard Plastic Prevent Mud Splashing The Car Auto Parts
Fender Standard Car Mudguard Plastic Mencegah Lumpur Memercik Bagian Mobil - Chevrolet Standard Car Mudguard Plastic Prevent Mud Splashing The Car Auto Parts
Mobil Chevrolet Standard Mudguard Plastic Mencegah Lumpur Memercik Auto Parts Mobil - Um, all of her wounds are on her anterior side, so it's tough to see how her blood ended up on the portrait.
Um, semua luka nya berada di sisi depan, sehingga sulit untuk memikirkan bagaimana darah nya bisa memercik ke potret. - If you give in, my lords, the bright comet that is our faith will shatter and be reduced to a few isolated torches, sputtering in a dark universe.
Jika kita menyerah, tuan-tuanku, komet iman kita yang cemerlang akan hancur lebur menjadi obor- obor terpencar, yang memercik di alam semesta. - (2) in cast-iron work pieces of the vehicle, install a rail cover on the choke plate and wipe off the lubricant on the part of the bed where the chip can splash.
(2) dalam potongan-potongan karya besi tuang kendaraan, pasang penutup rel pada pelat choke dan bersihkan pelumas di bagian tempat tidur di mana chip dapat memercik. - Several drops of holy water splashed on the stone in the climax of the book, and soon after Anne took ill and died. This gave opals a negative connotation as demon stones.
Beberapa tetes air suci memercik di batu di klimaks buku, dan segera setelah Anne jatuh sakit dan meninggal. Ini memberi opal konotasi negatif sebagai batu iblis. - Refreshing and distinct scent of lavender, leads you into the garden at night. Moonlight splashes, and you see the silhouettes of flowers, hinting at you... Are you prepared for an adventure?
Aroma menyegarkan dan aroma lavender yang khas, membawa Anda ke taman pada malam hari. Cahaya bulan memercik, dan Anda melihat siluet bunga, mengisyaratkan Anda ... Apakah Anda siap untuk berpetualang? - White-smoke filled the small room. A pink electric heater submerged inside a water thermos, which just now made a noisy “Pu-Pu” sound, and boiling water was splashing out from it.
Asap putih memenuhi sebuah ruangan kecil. Terlihat sebuah pemanas air listrik berwarna pink terendam di dalam termos air yang baru saja membuat suara bising ‘Pu-pu’. Air mendidih pun sudah memercik kesana kemari. - Chevrolet Standard Car Mudguard Plastic Prevent Mud Splashing The Car Auto Parts Product Description Our factory was established in 2005 ,is a leading and professional manufactorer of car mudguard with long ... Read More
Mobil Chevrolet Standard Mudguard Plastic Mencegah Lumpur Memercik Auto Parts Mobil Deskripsi Produk Pabrik kami didirikan pada tahun 2005, adalah manufactorer terkemuka dan profesional dari mobil mudguard ... Read More - Chevrolet Standard Car Mudguard Plastic Prevent Mud Splashing The Car Auto Parts Product Description Our products For sfor toyota car plastic parts highlander 2012 new style rubber mud flapshave very good ... Read More
Mobil Chevrolet Standard Mudguard Plastic Mencegah Lumpur Memercik Auto Parts Mobil Deskripsi Produk Produk kami Untuk sfor toyota bagian plastik mobil highlander 2012 lumpur karet gaya baru flapshave ... Read More - Toughened laminated glass refers to further safe treatment after glass tempering, bonding two pieces of glass together. After the glass breaks, it will not splash and hurt people, which will play a safe role.
Kaca laminasi yang dikeraskan mengacu pada perawatan yang lebih aman setelah penempaan kaca, menyatukan dua potong kaca menjadi satu. Setelah kaca pecah, tidak akan memercik dan melukai orang, yang akan memainkan peran yang aman. - Laughing I Dress also by me while Lisen jump around in the water as it splashed around her. I see how Lisen glances at me while I pull off my jeans, and when it's the turn of underwear she stands completely still and just look.
Saya tertawa Berpakaian juga oleh saya sementara Lisen melompat-lompat di dalam air seperti memercik di sekelilingnya. Saya melihat melirik Lisen saat aku melepas celana jeans saya, dan ketika giliran pakaian dia berdiri benar-benar diam dan hanya menonton.