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contoh kalimat mendeportasi

"mendeportasi" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • They would arrest him and deport him as well.
    Mereka akan menahannya dan mendeportasi dia juga.
  • Because the Church would have us arrested and deported.
    Karena Gereja ingin menangkap dan mendeportasi kita.
  • The judge just deported her brother three days ago.
    Hakim baru saja mendeportasi kakaknya 3 hari lalu.
  • You want me to deport a LuthorCorp exchange student?
    Kau mau aku mendeportasi murid pertukaran pelajar dari LuthorCorp?
  • Why did the British deport convicts to Australia?
    Mengapa Inggris mendeportasi narapidana ke Australia?
  • The one who put our family on the list to be deported.
    Baginya yang membuat mendeportasi keluarga kami.
  • They deported most of the Jews to Nazi concentration camps.
    Mereka mendeportasi sebagian besar Yahudi ke kamp konsentrasi Nazi.
  • I just make friends, trying to stop him from deporting my brother.
    Aku cuma berteman, berusaha menghentikan dia mendeportasi Kakakku.
  • In what year did the British start deporting convicts to Australia?
    Pada tahun berapa Inggris mulai mendeportasi narapidana ke Australia?
  • I hope so, otherwise your father would have to banish you.
    Aku berharap demikian, lain Kamu akan ayah harus mendeportasi Kamu.
  • He can't deport me, Baba.
    Dia tidak bisa mendeportasi saya, Baba.
  • Amigo's gonna deport our ass back.
    dia akan mendeportasi kita kembali.
  • They yet deporting Jews.
    Mereka belum mendeportasi semua orang Yahudi.
  • Deport them if necessary.
    Mendeportasi mereka jika perlu.
  • We would deport her.
    Kami akan mendeportasi dia.
  • I need you to get a deportation date on him as quickly as possible.
    Aku ingin kau cari waktu untuk mendeportasi dia secepat mungkin.
  • Two, to deport large numbers of the community to work in Germany as slave labor
    Dua, mendeportasi sejumlah besar masyarakat utk bekerja di Jerman sbg budak
  • The Alien Act empowered the President to deport such aliens as he declared to be dangerous.
    Menurut hukum ini, presiden bisa mendeportasi orang asing yang dianggap berbahaya.
  • He tells me that the Vichv government has issued instructions on the deportation of Jewish children.
    Dia memberitahu saya bahwa pemerintah Vichy telah mengeluarkan instruksi utk mendeportasi anak2 Yahudi.
  • The Dzungars had deported to Ili the Chagatai royal family of Isma'il Khan after capturing them.
    Bangsa Zunghar menangkap dan mendeportasi keluarga kerajaan Chagatai dari Isma'il Khan ke Ili.
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