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contoh kalimat mengacau

"mengacau" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You snafu like that again, Bissell, your ass is mine.
    Kau mengacau lagi, tak ajar kau.
  • Craps out last night, he wants a meeting today.
    Mengacau malam tadi, mau ketemu hari ini.
  • I want you to loot, pillage, plunder, and steal.
    Aku mau kalian menjarah, mengacau dan mencuri.
  • One of my best... Just some fucked-up guy.
    Salah satu dari ... cuma seseorang yang mengacau.
  • Are you there? Look, um, I think I screwed up.
    Dengar, um, Aku pikir aku mengacau.
  • Maybe you guys don't fuck up like last time.
    Mungkin kalian takkan mengacau seperti waktu lalu.
  • What kind of ghost messes with a man's wheels? !
    Hantu jenis apa mengacau kendaraan orang?
  • She couldn't quite cut it with our crew,
    Dia tak mau menyerah mengacau dengan Tim kita.
  • You're not the one I want, you messed me up!
    Bukan kau, Kau hanya mengacau !
  • No one messes with me and my friends.
    Tak ada yang boleh mengacau denganku dan teman-temanku.
  • And you messed with the little bitty real nice.
    Dan awak mengacau si tua bangka itu.
  • You ever think about that when you were screwing up?
    Pernahkah kau memikirkannya saat kau mengacau?
  • I've got a feeling you're about to fuck things up.
    Aku punya firasat kau akan mengacau.
  • And don't worry about Jesse and me getting involved.
    Jangan khawatirkan dia. Aku tak akan mengacau.
  • OK, I screwed up, I get that you're angry
    Oke, aku mengacau, aku paham kau marah
  • Stop thinking about screwing up, about losing.
    Berhenti berpikir bahwa kau telah mengacau atau sudah kalah.
  • And if somebody screws up, that's on you.
    Dan kalau ada yang mengacau, itu tanggung jawabmu.
  • We've all gone off the rails down here, Javi.
    Kita semua sudah mengacau di sini, Javi.
  • What the hell did you people do to my head? !
    Kau mengacau isi kepalaku..
  • You will not be bothered in joe clark's school.
    Kalian tak kan mengacau di sekolahnya Joe Clark.
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