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contoh kalimat menggebrak

"menggebrak" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Did you see me slam the table?
    Dia bahkan menggebrak meja ini. Ternyata gosip itu benar!
  • I thought you were blowing it back there.
    Kupikir kau hanya menggebrak saja disana.
  • But I dealt a blow to the Sukiya-kai.
    Tapi aku telah menggebrak Sukiya-kai.
  • Last week, at dinner, he slammed his fist on the table.
    Minggu lalu saat makan malam, dia menggebrak meja.
  • I know Potter, and I'll have you kicked off the beat.
    Aku tahu Potter, dan saya akan memiliki Anda menggebrak mengalahkan.
  • And I kicked off the moss
    Dan aku menggebrak lumut
  • Why haven't we busted 'em?
    Kenapa kita belum menggebrak mereka?
  • His ideas are... unusual, revolutionary.
    Ide-idenya... tidak biasa, menggebrak.
  • EnglishIndonesia (Indonesian) DTX’s New Release with Riri Mestica
    IndonesiaEnglish (English) Thavita Siap Menggebrak Musik Indie Indonesia
  • Mission Statement That Will be Kicked off of Your Life
    Mission Statement yang akan Menggebrak Hidup Anda
  • Milking a dry udder gets you nothing but kicked off the milking stool.
    Memerah seekor kambing kering tidak akan memberikan hasil. tapi menggebrak bangku perahan,
  • He later explained that his actions included "shouting and pounding the table" in frustration.
    Ia belakangan menjelaskan bahwa ia sampai "berteriak dan menggebrak meja" karena putus asa.
  • Flea has referred to the album as "the 'rockingest' record" the band has ever made.
    Flea menganggap album itu sebagai "rekaman paling menggebrak" yang pernah band itu buat.
  • Hey, I'm the fucktard who got you kicked off the Slam Van in the first place.
    Hei, aku fucktard yang mendapat Anda menggebrak Slam Van di tempat pertama .
  • We are going to be right back after this break while our crews get ready to rock it.
    Kami akan segera kembali setelah iklan berikut ini. Saat Tim kami bersiap menggebrak.
  • The buzzing arts scene has something for everyone, from top-billed exhibitions to exciting fairs.
    Seni yang menggebrak dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang, mulai dari pameran berharga tinggi sampai ke yang murah.
  • But we should get going, I mean, we don't wanna be late and be kicked off the team, right?
    Tapi kita harus segera pergi, Maksudku, kita tak ingin terlambat dan akan menggebrak tim, kan?
  • If today's average teacher could become as good as those teachers, our students would be blowing away the rest of the world.
    Jika rata-rata guru saat ini dapat menjadi sehebat guru-guru itu, para siswa kita akan menggebrak dunia.
  • Dream Theater kicked off their tour in support of A Dramatic Turn of Events on July 4, 2011 in Rome, Italy.
    Dream Theater menggebrak tur untuk promosi A Dramatic Turn of Events pada tanggal 4 Juli 2011 di Roma, Italia.
  • The tour included songs from their previous albums and kicked off with three shows in Seoul, South Korea from July 17 to 19.
    Tur termasuk lagu-lagu dari album mereka sebelumnya dan menggebrak dengan tiga pertunjukan di Seoul, Korea Selatan dari 17-19 Juli.
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