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contoh kalimat mill

"mill" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "mill" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • There were no neighbors. Just warehouses and a paper mill.
    Tidak ada tetangga, hanya pabrik kertas.
  • That's about the closest mill work you'll find.
    itu penyebab tutupnya pekerjaan mill kamu akan tahu.
  • Next to this river, there is a steel mill.
    Setelah sungai itu, ada sebuah pabrik baja.
  • We'll meet up at the mill. Go.
    Kita akan bertemu di jalan besar , ayo .
  • The mill may be old but it's still productive
    Pemintalan ini sudah tua tapi masih produktif.
  • All right, Muckrakers, the rumor mill is up and running.
    Oke, Wartawan Muckraker, gosip sudah beredar.
  • How'd you end up here in Chester's Mill anyway?
    Bagaimana kau bisa berada di Chester's Mill?
  • I always thought of Chester's Mill like a prison.
    Aku selalu berpikir Chester's Mill seperti penjara.
  • Today, Chester's Mill sentences Dale Barbara to death.
    Hari ini, Chester Mill menghukum mati Dale Barbara.
  • Do you know what I do at the mill?
    Kau tahu apa yang kukerjakan di pabrik?
  • And found ourselves staying at the water mill by the swamp.
    Kami berada di dekat rawa.
  • The three of us need to go to Chester's Mill.
    Kita bertiga harus ke Chester's Mill.
  • Corporal's father has a wheat mill in Hampshire.
    Ayah sang Kopral punya pabrik gandum di Hampshire.
  • You know the saw mill, the other side of town?
    Kamu tahu tempat penggergajian, sisi kota?
  • The team is all geared up for Chester's Mill.
    Semua tim sudah bersiap untuk Chester Mill.
  • This was once the biggest steel mill in Lengcheng.
    Ini dulunya pabrik baja terbesar di Lengchen.
  • The rebels soon occupied a sugar mill there.
    Para pemberontak segera menduduki pabrik gula di sana.
  • "Verla Groundwood and Board Mill".
    Diakses tanggal 20 Oktober 2011. ^ "Verla Groundwood and Board Mill".
  • He owned a rice mill and tea factory.
    Ia memiliki sebuah lumbung padi dan pabrik teh.
  • In Stuhr-Varrel there is still a water mill.
    Di kecamatan Sirampog terdapat beberapa sumber mata air.
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