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contoh kalimat newport

"newport" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "newport" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • He murdered his entire family out here in Newport.
    Dia membunuh seluruh keluarganya di Newport.
  • There's a power plant in Newport Beach.
    Ada pembangkit tenaga listrik di Newport Beach.
  • Not Mark fuckin' Hancock and Newport Holdings.
    Bukan Mark Hancock dan kepemilikan dewan baru.
  • Because Kencana would become a Newport mine.
    Karena Kansana akan menjadi tambang pelabuhan baru.
  • In 1860 the family returned to Newport.
    Pada tahun 1860 keluarganya kembali ke Newport.
  • It's an apartment in Newport News.
    Ini adalah sebuah apartemen di Newport News.
  • They closed Mobile and Newport News.
    Mereka menutup divisi Mobile dan Newport News.
  • A colossal gold strike, fending off a takeover by Newport Holdings.
    tambang emas raksasa, diambil alih oleh Newport Holdings.
  • They closed Mobile and Newport News.
    Mereka menutup Mobile dan Newport News.
  • Later that year, Newport News Shipbuilding was added.
    Pada tahun 2000 juga, Newport News Shipbuilding ditambahkan ke perusahaan induk tersebut.
  • Home is Newport, Rhode Island.
    Home adalah di Newport, Rhode Island.
  • Well, we were thinkin' either Tad or "Lewis' Shitty Newport. "
    Ya, kami pikir-pikir baiknya "Tad"... atau "Lewis Newport Yang Menyebalkan."
  • Captain Newport will be back shortly.
    Kapten Newport kami akan kembali
  • Roy Clarke was born in Newport, Monmouthshire, to a mining family.
    Roy Clarke lahir di Newport, Monmouthshire, dari sebuah keluarga pertambangan.
  • Local TV is based in Newport.
    Feri ini berbasis di Newport.
  • And now, the junior cheer squad from the Newport District.
    [ Announcer ] Dan sekarang pasukan yunior sorak sorai dari Distrik Newport.
  • A few places in Newport
    Sebuah tempat kecil di Newport
  • Newport, 4th of July weekend.
    Newport, 4 juli, akhir pekan.
  • Your brother's wedding in Newport?
    Pernikahan adikmu di Newport?
  • Principal photography began on March 28, 2016, in Newport, Rhode Island.
    Proses produksi film dimulai pada 28 Maret 2016, di Newport, Rhode Island.
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