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contoh kalimat observatorium

"observatorium" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We need a dedicated observatory that looks for comets.
    Kita memerlukan observatorium khusus yang melihat komet.
  • Why would they look for it on a Federation observatory?
    Mengapa mereka mencarinya pada Federasi observatorium?
  • How long before the shock wave hits the observatory?
    Berapa lama sebelum gelombang kejut menghantam observatorium?
  • This is all that remains of the Maragheh Observatory.
    Ini semua yang tersisa dari Observatorium Maragheh.
  • Faust lives in an observatory which is invisible.
    Faust tinggal di sebuah observatorium yang tak terlihat.
  • The managing director of the observatory is Professor Simon Garrington.
    Direktur observatorium adalah Profesor Simon Garrington.
  • I'm looking for a Dr. Soran from the observatory.
    Saya mencari Dr Soran dari observatorium.
  • The observatory just got a new lease on life.
    Observatorium baru saja mendapat ijin baru.
  • This is Nemitz, on the roof of the observatory.
    Di sini Nemitz, di atap observatorium.
  • FBI's attempting a Morse code signal from the observatory.
    FBI menggunakan sinyal Morse dari observatorium.
  • ORM is part of the European Northern Observatory.
    ORM adalah bagian dari Observatorium Eropa Utara.
  • She and her family live in an observatory.
    Dia dan keluarganya tinggal di sebuah observatorium.
  • In 1804, Harding discovered Juno at Schröter's observatory.
    Pada tahun 1804, Harding menemukan Juno di observatorium tersebut.
  • There were dissecting rooms and an astronomical observatory.
    Ada kamar bedah dan observatorium astronomi.
  • Looks like the observatory took quite a beating.
    Sepertinya observatorium mendapatkan cukup banyak serangan.
  • Tell them to scan the observatory for trilithium.
    Katakan kepada mereka untuk memindai observatorium.
  • Now you recently were the director of the Vatican Observatory.
    Sekarang Anda baru-baru ini adalah Direktur Observatorium Vatikan.
  • We were at NASA together.
    Ya, saya pergi ke NASA bersama-sama. Direktur Observatorium Roosevelt
  • With his new observatory and world-class team,
    Dengan observatorium baru dan tim kelas dunia,
  • Would you like to talk about what happened at the observatory?
    Kau ingin bicarakan soal kejadian di Observatorium?
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