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contoh kalimat off-line

"off-line" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "off-line" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You want to pull those PCLs off-line or what?
    Kau mau matikan PCL itu atau tidak?
  • The first set doesn't come off-line until next year.
    Pengiriman pertama akan siap untuk tahun depan.
  • We can't, Sir. The warp engines just went off-line.
    Kita tidak bisa pak, mesin warpnya mati.
  • They will be 87.2 centimeters the day I go off-line.
    Sampai aku matipun tetap 87,2 senti meter.
  • All injector subsystems aboard the collector are confirmed off-line.
    Semua subsistem injector kapal kolektor sudah di nonaktifkan.
  • It could off-line whole manufacturing runs, weapons programs.
    Bisa off-line Seluruh manufaktur berjalan , senjata program .
  • We need to consider taking Gabriel off-line.
    Kita harus mempertimbangkan membuat Gabriel kembali off-line.
  • Nedry said a few systems would go off-line, didn't he?
    Tadi Nedry sudah katakan beberapa sistem akan mati, kan?
  • I'd leave the air conditioning system off-line as a precaution.
    Saya akan meninggalkan sistem AC off-line sebagai tindakan pencegahan.
  • The low-gain antenna has been intermittent.That's why it's off-line for maintenance.
    Rendahnya-gain antena telah intermittent.That sebabnya off-line untuk pemeliharaan.
  • Everything went off-line and never came back.
    Semuanya mati dan tidak pernah kembali
  • Mr. Tuvok, take the main deflector off-line.
    Tuan Tuvok, matikan deflektor utama.
  • Weapons systems have been taken off-line.
    Sepertinya sistem senjata telah diambil alih.
  • Engineering, get that tractor beam off-line!
    Kamar Mesin, matikan sinar penarik!
  • Power off-line, our weapons are gone.
    Power off-line, senjata kita hilang.
  • All ship functions are off-line.
    Fungsi semua kapal dalam keadaan off-line.
  • Sometimes Lionel's tracking system goes off-line as the satellite info updates.
    Kadang-kadang Lionel sistem pelacakan berjalan off-line sebagai satelit update info.
  • This terminal is off-line till 3 a.m. Shut down for maintenance.
    Terminal ini off sampai jam 3 pagi. Tutup untuk perawatan.
  • How long have we been off-line?
    Berapa lama kita tida terhubung?
  • Lnertial dampers are still off-line.
    Pengatur kelembaban masih belum berfungsi.
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