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contoh kalimat palestina

"palestina" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • So she said, "Everybody in Palestine, in where? Israel?
    "Semua orang di Palestina, di mana? Israel?
  • He's one of our contacts from the Palestinian camps.
    Salah satu kontak kita dari kamp Palestina.
  • And the Palestinian Authority will help with $25,000.
    Dan Otoritas Palestina akan membantu dengan $ 25.000.
  • Monsieur, I... I travel from Palestine to London.
    Tuan, aku melakukan perjalanan dari Palestina ke London.
  • According to the BBC, "at least 800" Palestinians died.
    Menurut BBC, "sekurang-kurangnya 800" orang Palestina meninggal..
  • List of political parties in the Palestinian National Authority
    Daftar partai politik di Otoritas Nasional Palestina
  • The Philippines and Palestine withdrew after the draw.
    Filipina dan Palestina mengundurkan diri setelah undian dilaksanakan.
  • Five Palestinians were killed during the military operation.
    Lima warga Palestina dibunuh pada operasi militer tersebut.
  • His speech increased international sympathy for the Palestinian cause.
    Pidatonya meningkatkan simpati dunia internasional terhadap Palestina.
  • At least two Palestinians were injured in the attack.
    Dua warga Palestina luka-luka pada peristiwa itu.
  • In the semifinals, Turkmenistan defeated the Philippines 2–1.
    Di semifinal, Indonesia dikalahkan tuan rumah Palestina 2-1.
  • The district has five Legislative Assembly constituencies.
    Kegubernuran ini memiliki lima kursi di Dewan Legislatif Palestina.
  • Then there was Aron Kader, who was the Palestinian-American.
    Lalu ada Aron Kader, orang Amerika keturunan Palestina.
  • It is thought that Jordan wants to drive the Palestinians into Syria.
    DiperkirakanbahwaJordaningin mendorong Palestina ke Suriah
  • Palestinian authorities produce good intel with water. There's cutting.
    Otoritas Palestina mendidik intel dengan air.
  • He was saving up to buy some land in Palestine.
    Dia berjaga-jaga dengan membeli tanah di Palestina.
  • Are the list of those who went to Palestine?
    Ini daftar orang2 yg ke Palestina?
  • Palestine can not even take all of you!
    Palestina bahkan tidak bisa menerima kalian semua!
  • Is it because I Israel and you Palestine?
    apa karena aku dari Israel dan kamu dari Palestina?
  • Let's collect some more donations for our Palestinian brothers.
    Mari kita mengumpulkan sumbangan untuk saudara-saudara Palestina kami.
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