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contoh kalimat pbs

"pbs" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • A PBS documentary on this trip was produced.
    PBS menayangkan film dokumenter tersebut pada hari wafatnya.
  • I came up with it before PBS.
    Aku cetuskan sebelum PBS. Orang kulit putih mencurinya.
  • We're taping our Christmas special for the Lima PBS.
    Kami syuting acara natal spesial untuk Lima PBS
  • The series of PBS interviews can be found at .
    Seri wawancara PBS dapat dilihat pada .
  • The guy who usedto paint on pbs.
    Orang yang digunakan untuk melukis di PBS.
  • The shop was featured on the PBS show Going Places.
    Toko ini muncul dalam acara PBS Going Places.
  • "Manila to blame, says PBS".
    Diakses tanggal 15 Desember 2014. ^ a b "Manila to blame, says PBS".
  • PBS is doing a documentary on us.
    PBS akan membuat dokumenter tentang kita.
  • That's a fact. I saw it on PBS.
    Itu fakta, kulihat di PBS.
  • The 24 songs were televised on a show broadcast by PBS.
    24 lagu yang terpilih akan disiarkan oleh PBS.
  • I hosted a television show by that name on PBS.
    Saya menjadi pembawa acara dengan nama yang sama. di PBS.
  • I would watch Nova on PBS.
    Saya suka menonton Nova di PBS.
  • Sunday nights. Pbs. Downton abbey.
    Sinetron Minggu Malam di Pbs, "Downtown Abbey".
  • II Trovatore was playing on PBS.
    Il Trovatore sedang bermain di PBS.
  • In fact the local PBS wanted to do a documentary on me.
    Bahkan, PBS lokal ingin melakukan sebuah film dokumenter padaku
  • To learn more about Nikola Tesla visit PBS online at pbs.org
    To learn more about Nikola Tesla visit PBS online at pbs.org
  • I'm Gwen Ifill of the NewsHour and Washington Week on PBS.
    Saya Gwen Ifill dari 'news hour' dan 'Washington week' di PBS
  • PBS is founded by government grants and the sale of commercial airtime.
    PBS didanai oleh dana pemerintah dan penjualan waktu penayangan iklan.
  • In one case,the prices are just a sixth of PBS prices.
    Selain itu, harganya hanya sepertiga dari harga Apple TV generasi pertama.
  • It premiered on PBS television on April 28, 2015.
    Film tersebut tayang perdana di televisi PBS pada 28 April 2015. ^ 2014
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