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contoh kalimat pengiriman

"pengiriman" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We even have a small shipment of oolong tea.
    Kami juga punya pengiriman sedikit teh oolong.
  • This dispatch is to be considered a war warning."
    Pengiriman ini harus dianggap peringatan perang. "
  • What that shipment and this I can retire.
    Apa itu pengiriman dan ini saya bisa pensiun.
  • When that arms shipment comes in, this whole country blows up.
    Ketika pengiriman senjata yang masuk,
  • We got 'em beat. How about our two delivery boys?
    Bagaimana dengan pengiriman dua orang itu?
  • I'd like to get a delivery to Beverly Hills.
    Aku ingin pengiriman barang ke Beverly Hills.
  • Do not be slow! We must finish the transport tonight.
    Kita harus "menyelesaikan pengiriman" malam ini.
  • I mean, the whole shipment was contaminated with termites.
    Maksudku, seluruh pengiriman sudah terkontaminasi oleh rayap.
  • Check their trucking records for October 15.
    Carilah truk pengiriman pada tanggal 15 Oktober. - Baik.
  • Instead of shipping Schiller, we'll ship Kelvin.
    Alih-alih pengiriman Schiller , kita akan kapal Kelvin .
  • I was just looking at the C.H.P. dispatch report.
    Aku hanya melihat di C.H.P. laporan pengiriman.
  • His murder has to be related to the delivery service.
    Pembunuhannya harus berhubungan dengan layanan pengiriman.
  • He's the son of yari demetrios, the shipping magnate.
    Dia anak Yari Demetrios, pengiriman tokoh terkemuka.
  • The demetrios family's been shipping guns into l.A.
    The Demetrios keluarga telah pengiriman senjata ke LA
  • That shipment of toner cartridges came in last night.
    Pengiriman Toner dan Cartridges tadi malam sampai.
  • My father worked a shipping boat in the Pacific.
    Ayah saya bekerja perahu pengiriman di Pasifik.
  • That delivery. You didn't bill it to us.
    Pengiriman itu. kau tidak membuat tagihannya ke kami.
  • "I got the shipment," or "we got the shipment"?
    Aku ada pengiriman? atau kita dapat pengiriman?
  • "I got the shipment," or "we got the shipment"?
    Aku ada pengiriman? atau kita dapat pengiriman?
  • You have to be a lot of toilets for delivery.
    Anda harus banyak toilet untuk pengiriman.
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