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contoh kalimat piring

"piring" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Well the same plate shows up a whole bunch of times.
    Piring yang sama muncul berkali-kali.
  • Perhaps. We'll see. The man is hungry.
    Akan kita lihat, orang ini lapar, beri dia piring.
  • Brewster into the wind, and comes to the plate.
    Brewster menjadi angin, dan datang ke piring.
  • Your poor little mommy made you do the big bad dishes.
    Oh, Ibumu menyuruhmu cuci piring.
  • I want this Wallace's heart on a plate.
    Aku ingin hati ini Wallace di atas piring.
  • If you don't finish washing these dishes you'll be more dangerous
    Gagal Cuci Piring Lebih Bahaya.
  • It's served whole, bottom down on the plate.
    Hal ini disajikan utuh, bawah di atas piring.
  • Others are talking on the phone or washing dishes.
    Lain berbicara di telepon atau mencuci piring.
  • Youknow,likeifyou'd cook, I'd do the dishes, right?
    Andatahu,sepertijika Anda akan memasak, saya akan mencuci piring, kan?
  • The least he could do is wash the dish.
    Setidaknya ia bisa melakukan adalah mencuci piring.
  • Why did you change your job to wash dishes?
    Dan sekarang jadi tukang cuci piring. Kenapa?
  • I want that lycan's head on a plate.
    Aku minta kepala Lycan itu di atas piring!
  • Oh, you mean the one with the dishes?
    Oh , Anda berarti satu dengan piring ?
  • As the ocean plate moves, so do the continents.
    Sebagai bergerak piring laut, sehingga melakukan benua.
  • I was under a sink...pulling this out.
    Aku sedang di bawah tempat cuci piring... mengambil ini.
  • You put hand soap in the dishwasher again?
    Anda memegang sabun dalam mesin cuci piring lagi?
  • I just need a place to put my plate down.
    Aku perlu tempat untuk menaruh piring.
  • Sorry you had to do the dishes with me.
    Maaf kau harus ikut cuci piring bersamaku.
  • Yeah, at 500 bucks a plate, I'll bet.
    Ya, aku berani bertaruh 500 dolar per piring.
  • It is not a plate from Howard Johnson's, man.
    Itu bukan piring dari Howard Johnson's, man.
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