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contoh kalimat potential

"potential" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
    Ternyata masih ada potensi yang terbuka lebar.
  • No, that would make any tax fiddler a potential traitor.
    Tidak, pemain biola berpotensi mengkhianati pajak.
  • You know, I see executive potential here.
    Kau tahu, gue melihat eksekutif potensi di sini .
  • There's two or three potential all-stars in there.
    Ada dua atau tiga Potensi semua-bintang di sana.
  • Keep your chin up and your potential energy high.
    Menjaga dagu tegak dan energi potensial tinggi.
  • They told me I've got real potential.
    Mereka bilang padaku, sebenarnya aku punya potensi untuk itu.
  • I think we know better our daughter's potential.
    Kurasa kita tahu lebih baik Potensi putri kami.
  • Chickie buffer negates the potential for man-touching-man discomfort.
    buffer Chickie meniadakan potensi untuk ketidaknyamanan menyentuh orang-orang.
  • Let's see-- blackmail, espionage, terrorism, potential assassination.
    Let apos; s pemerasan see--, spionase, terorisme, potensi pembunuhan.
  • He watches potential victims waiting for moments of isolation.
    Dia menyaksikan calon korban menunggu saat-saat isolasi.
  • Listen, I'm having dinner with a potential investor.
    dengar, sy akan makan malam dengan investor besar.
  • Yes. And your parents are comfortable with your limited earning potential?
    Apa kalian akademisi seperti anakku?
  • How many potential husbands you have right now?
    Berapa banyak potensial suami anda mempunyai sekarang ini?
  • Welcome, potential neighbor. I'm Lisa, and this is Rose.
    Selamat datang tetangga, aku Lisa, ini Rose.
  • Last week on the bridge, I showed great potential.
    Minggu terakhir di jembatan menunjukkan potensi besar.
  • Well your father seems to think I have potential.
    Nah ayahmu tampaknya berpikir aku memiliki potensi.
  • Mr. White must' ve seen some potential in Jesse.
    Mr. White pasti melihat Jesse punya potensi.
  • She says that I have a lot of potential.
    Dia bilang bahwa aku punya banyak potensi
  • You're stopping him from fulfilling his potential. He's an amazing man.
    Kau mencegahnya memenuhi semua potensinya.
  • Not exactly a target with much potential, now is it?
    Bukan target yang berpotensi, ya kan?
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