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contoh kalimat properti

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  • Innovative professional colouring cream COLOR is the BIONIC INEBRYA permanent ammonia is combining the cosmetic properti...
    Inovatif warna profesional krim warna adalah amonia permanen BIONIC INEBRYA menggabungkan sifat kosmetik kolagen dan pen...
  • PT Daiwa Manunggal Logistik Properti (DMLP) was established as a joint venture between the Company and Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.
    Pendirian PT Daiwa Manunggal Logistik Properti (DMLP) merupakan kerjasama patungan antara Perseroan dengan Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd.
  • The hotel in the Domestic Terminal 3 area is under the management of AP II's subsidiary, PT Angkasa Pura Properti.
    Hotel di area Terminal 3 Domestik ini sendiri berada di bawah pengelolaan anak usaha AP II yakni PT Angkasa Pura Properti.
  • As one of the developers that has long tradition of achievements on every single project, does not make PT PP Properti Tbk being satisfied. ...
    Sebagai salah satu developer dengan daftar panjang prestasi disetiap projectnya, tidak membuat PT PP Properti Tbk berpuas diri. Director of...
  • Adhi Commuter Properti (ACP) is engaged in property developer for property state based on Transit Oriented Development with all locations close to public transportation.
    Adhi Commuter Properti (ACP) bergerak di bidang developer atau pengembang kawasan properti berbasis Transit Oriented Development dengan lokasi berdekatan dengan transportasi massal.
  • Sutera Agung Properti is considered a new comer in Indonesia's property industry, but the majority of the founders are already in the business.
    Sutera Agung Properti merupakan pendatang baru di bidang properti, namun mayoritas para pendiri perusahaan ini merupakan orang-orang yang juga bergerak di bisnis properti.
  • Report on Information or Material Facts Information Disclosure regarding Cancellation of the Plan to Purchase Partial Share Ownership of PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“the Company”) in PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) by PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
    Pengumuman Ringkasan Hasil RUPS Tahunan PT. Rimo International Lestari, Tbk.
  • Report on Information or Material Facts Information Disclosure regarding Cancellation of the Plan to Purchase Partial Share Ownership of PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“the Company”) in PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) by PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
    Pengumuman Ringkasan Hasil RUPS Tahunan PT. Rimo International Lestari, Tbk.
  • Adhi Persada Properti (APP) is engaged in property developer for landed housing and high rise building such as apartment, hotel, condotel and office tower including property operator.
    Adhi Persada Properti (APP) bergerak di bidang developer atau pengembang properti untuk kawasan perumahan dan bangunan-bangunan tingkat tinggi seperti apartemen, hotel, condotel dan office tower termasuk pengelolaan properti.
  • PT PP Properti Tbk continues to make breakthroughs in developing its property business, one of which is by creating differentiation of products and services packed with tag line "Beyond Space".
    PT PP Properti Tbk terus melakukan terobosan dalam mengembangkan bisnis propertinya, salah satunya dengan menciptakan diferensiasi produk dan jasa yang dikemas dengan tag line ′Beyond Space′.
  • Properti Indonesia Award 2013 is a prestigious accolade held by Majalah Properti Indonesia that confers special appreciation on real works, achievements, as well as property business’ and industry players’ reputation
    Properti Indonesia Award 2013 merupakan penghargaan bergengsi yang selenggarakan oleh majalah Properti Indonesia untuk memberikan apresiasi khusus terhadap karya nyata, prestasi, serta reputasi para pelaku bisnis dan industri properti.
  • Properti Indonesia Award 2013 is a prestigious accolade held by Majalah Properti Indonesia that confers special appreciation on real works, achievements, as well as property business’ and industry players’ reputation
    Properti Indonesia Award 2013 merupakan penghargaan bergengsi yang selenggarakan oleh majalah Properti Indonesia untuk memberikan apresiasi khusus terhadap karya nyata, prestasi, serta reputasi para pelaku bisnis dan industri properti.
  • The strengths of the concept and infrastructure that blend aspects of technology, nature and health took Graha Natura to win an award in the category of Property Project – Housing Estate at Properti Indonesia Award 2013.
    Keunggulan dari sisi konsep dan infrastruktur yang memadukan aspek teknologi, alami, dan kesehatan membawa Graha Natura meraih penghargaan Property Project – Housing Estate di ajang Properti Indonesia Award 2013.
  • Collaboration between PT PP PROPERTI TBK with PT BIJB AEROCITY DEVELOPMENT presents Grand Anila Apartment, located in the Kertajati Aerocity area. Anila has the meaning of wind, according to the symbol of the city of Majalengka.
    Kerjasama antara PT PP PROPERTI TBK dengan PT BIJB AEROCITY DEVELOPMENT mempersembahkan Grand Anila Apartment yang berada di kawasan Kertajati Aerocity. Anila memiliki makna angin, sesuai dengan symbol kota Majalengka.
  • ADHI has successfully proven their ability to be the leading construction company through the successes of their projects. Adhi Persada Properti focuses in property development for high rise buildings like apartments, hotels, condotels, and office towers and also property management.
    Adhi Persada Properti memfokuskan bisnisnya pada pengembangan properti bangunan tingkat tinggi seperti apartemen, hotel, kondotel, dan gedung perkantoran. Selain itu, mereka juga fokus pada manajemen properti.
  • PT PP Properti Tbk is building a tower on a 30-hectare land this year. The construction of this tower is also the beginning of the development of the aerocity area at Kertajati Airport, Majalengka, West Java.
    (KUMPARAN), JAKARTA,- PT PP Properti Tbk sedang membangun satu tower di lahan seluas 30 hektare pada tahun ini. Pembangunan tower ini juga sebagai awal pengembangan kawasan aerocity di Bandara Kertajati, Majalengka, Jawa Barat.
  • Report on Information or Material Facts Information Disclosure regarding Cancellation of the Plan to Purchase Partial Share Ownership of PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“the Company”) in PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) by PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
    Laporan Informasi atau Fakta Material Keterbukaan Informasi mengenai Pembatalan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelian Sebagian Kepemilikan Saham PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“Perseroan”) di dalam PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) oleh PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
  • Report on Information or Material Facts Information Disclosure regarding Cancellation of the Plan to Purchase Partial Share Ownership of PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“the Company”) in PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) by PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
    Laporan Informasi atau Fakta Material Keterbukaan Informasi mengenai Pembatalan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelian Sebagian Kepemilikan Saham PT Rimo International Lestari Tbk (“Perseroan”) di dalam PT Hokindo Properti Investama (“HPI”) oleh PT Maha Properti Indonesia Tbk (“MPRO”)
  • Agus Karianto appreciated the work of the Padmayana project team. He hopes that the project team will produce quality products. To note that The Padmayana Project is one of the projects owned by PT Adhi Persada Properti (APP).
    Agus Karianto mengapresiasi hasil kerja dari tim proyek The Padmayana. Beliau berharap kepada tim proyek agar menghasilkan kualitas produk yang bermutu. Untuk diketahui Proyek The Padmayana merupakan salah satu proyek milik PT Adhi Persada Properti (APP).
  • PT PP Properti Tbk’s Finance Director, Indaryanto, said later through the construction of the tower to support the facilities at Kertajati Airport which would be used as a pilgrimage center and umrah center in the eastern and western part of Central Java.
    Direktur Keuangan PT PP Properti Tbk, Indaryanto, mengatakan nantinya melalui pembangunan tower tersebut untuk menunjang fasilitas di Bandara Kertajati yang akan dijadikan sebagai pusat haji dan umrah center wilayah Jawa Barat bagian Timur dan Jawa Tengah bagian Barat.
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