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contoh kalimat realty

"realty" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Tell that realty company that I ain't selling!
    Katakan Bahwa perumahan perusahaan yang saya tidak menjual!
  • SR Realty has requested patrol on property.
    S R Realty telah meminta patroli di sekitar properti.
  • I guess you realty like the punishment room, huh?
    sepertinya kau menikmati ruang hukumanmu, ya?
  • Letu Realty and UPCs plan on establishing a cultural village.
    Letu Realty dan UPCS berencana
  • Your clients took their business over to Sunshine Realty.
    KlienAndamengambil bisnis mereka ke Sunshine Realty
  • No appreciation for money invested in realty.
    Tidak ada penghargaan untuk uang yang diinvestasikan dalam real estat.
  • Have you heard of the Franchise Realty Corporation?
    Pernahkah kau mendengar tentang Franchise Realty Corporation?
  • I'm Barbara Barbara, of Barbara Barbara Realty.
    Aku Barbara Barbara, dari Barbara Barbara Realty.
  • Somebody tripped an alarm at a realty office.
    Seseorang tersandung alarm di kantor realty.
  • I'm here representing Rick Carver Realty.
    Aku di sini mewakili Rick Carver Realty.
  • "A spot has just opened at Wayward Pines Realty Associates.
    "Ada satu lowongan di Asosiasi Agen Properti Wayward Pines."
  • Hi, you've reached Claire, at Primetime Realty.
    Claire hai, anda terhubung dengan Claire
  • Franchise Realty Corporation how may I...?
    Waralaba Realty Corporation ada yang bisa saya...?
  • I'm here representing Rick Carver Realty.
    Aku disini mewakili Rick Carver Realty.
  • Dennis Nash from Rick Carver Realty.
    Dennis Nash dari Rick Carver Realty.
  • I'm Alex Towne, with Montlake Realty.
    Aku Alex Towne, dari Montlake Realty.
  • Marty Savide, Stevens Northwest Realty.
    Marty Savide, Stevens Northwest Realty.
  • Katie McQueen with Dunwich Realty?
    Katie McQueen dari Dunwich Realty?
  • You know Rick Carver Realty?
    Kau tahu Rick Carver Realty?
  • "A spot has just opened at Wayward Pines Realty Associates.
    "Sebuah posisi kosong baru saja tersedia di asosiasi agen perumahan Wayward Pines."
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