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contoh kalimat river

"river" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Throw that basket in the river and drown him.
    Lempar keranjang itu di sungai dan menenggelamkannya.
  • He's not a river, he's a man!
    Bukan, dia bukan sungai, angin, dia hanya seorang laki-laki!
  • Still, the river cools you off a bit, though?
    Masih, sungai dingin Anda off sedikit, meskipun?
  • The money is on the other side of the river.
    Uangnya ada di sisi lain sungai.
  • And we had a picnic down by the river.
    Dan kami telah berkelah di tepi sungai.
  • Yeah, next to Screech, River Phoenix is a drip.
    Ya, disebelah Screech, River Phoenix adalah penyakit.
  • I'll never let evil cross the Yin river.
    Aku tidak akan membiarkan lintas jahat sungai Yin.
  • Levias, if you would- our very own passaic river falls.
    Sungai Passaic mengalir milik kami sendiri.
  • The river water is interfering with the well water.
    Air sungai akan bercampur dengan air sumur.
  • A river of dirty money running through here.
    Sungai dengan uang kotor yg mengalir melaluinya disini.
  • Threw one of 'em off a mountain, one into a ragin' river.
    satu ke sungai ragin.
  • We just pulled her body out of the river.
    Kami baru saja mengangkat mayatnya dari sungai.
  • We could upset the ecological balance of the river.
    Kita bisa merusak keseimbangan ekologi sungai ini.
  • I don't want anything moving on that fucking river!
    Aku tak ingin apapun bergerak disungai itu!
  • Mommy, Daddy, the River God gave me this cake
    Ayah, ibu, Dewa Sungai memberikanku roti ini
  • I asked the river and the vast ocean
    Aku bertanya pada sungai dan lautan yang luas.
  • It reminds me of k-pax, except for the river.
    Ini mengingatkanku pada planet K-PAX, kecuali sungainya.
  • How could it cross the mountains and the rivers?
    Bagaimana mereka bisa melewati pegunungan dan sungai-sungai?
  • General, the enemy has withdrawn back across the river.
    musuh telah ditarik kembali ke seberang sungai.
  • Press on north, move toward the river, toward the United States ford.
    menuju seberang Negara Uni.
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