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contoh kalimat robert

"robert" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "robert" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Robert, I want to know what he said.
    Robert, aku ingin tahu apa yang dia katakan.
  • Did I say I wanna be Robert Redford?
    Memangnya aku bilang ingin menjadi seperti Robert Redford?
  • All right, what do you got in the back, Robert A.?
    Kau mengangkut apa, Robert A.?
  • Robert, boy, you had lunch at fourth period.
    Robert, Nak, kau makan siang di jam ke-empat.
  • It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem.
    Seperti sesuatu keluar dari puisi Robert Frost.
  • Dr. Robert, I'm telling you... he's a miracle man.
    Dr. Robert, Kukatakan padamu dia orang ajaib.
  • The Queen is very intimate with Lord Robert, no?
    Ratu sangat intim dengan Lord Robert, bukan?
  • His name... Is robert porter. [ Bell Dings ]
    Namanya Robert Porter Robert Porter, ini dia.
  • You and robert porter are the same person.
    Kau dan Robert Porter adalah orang yang sama.
  • Well, what about Charles Freck and Robert Arctor?
    Nah, bagaimana dengan Charles Freck dan Arctor Robert?
  • So it's just like the Robert Johnson legend, right?
    Jadi itu seperti legenda Robert Johnson kan?
  • Can you check the records for a robert campbell?
    Bisakah kamu memeriksa catatan utk Robert Campbell?
  • It was Robert Ford That dirty little coward
    It was Robert Ford That dirty little coward
  • Robert, it was just the date that didn't end.
    Robert, itu hanya tanggal yang tidak berakhir.
  • For me, I love the days of Robert Mitchum.
    Bagi saya, Saya suka hari-hari Robert Mitchum.
  • For us, We want the days of Robert Mitchum.
    Bagi kami, Kami ingin hari-hari Robert Mitchum.
  • Robert De Niro, Meet the Parents reference.
    Robert De Niro, Meet the Parents. Aku menyukai nya.
  • 4 bullets are enough for 4 people, Robert.
    4 peluru yang cukup untuk 4 orang, Robert.
  • The world needs Robert Fischer to change his mind.
    Dunia membutuhkan Robert Fischer untuk mengubah pikirannya.
  • This is totally going to get Robert Pattinson's attention.
    Ini benar-benar akan mendapatkan Perhatian Robert Pattinson.
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