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contoh kalimat rock

"rock" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "rock" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • They rock the mic outside my window every morning.
    Mereka ribut di luar jendelaku tiap pagi.
  • Then recently "Rock Band" has been a big hit.
    Lalu baru-baru ini Rock Band sangat terkenal.
  • And there was a rock that I always missed.
    dan ada batu yang selalu saya lewatkan.
  • A moonlight swim at the old rock quarry?
    cahaya bulan Sebuah berenang di tambang batu tua?
  • Looks like they're headin' for Skull Rock. Come on, Wendy.
    Sepertinya mereka menuju ke Tebing Tengkorak.
  • You should look under a rock or two.
    Anda harus melihat di bawah batu atau dua.
  • What did you get sent to the Rock for?
    Kau di kirim kemari karena kasus apa?
  • Whoever named this place the Rock wasn't kidding.
    Siapapun yang menamai ini The Rock tidak bercanda.
  • Now you come back and work for me, Rock.
    Sekarang kembalilah kau dan bekerjalah untukku, Rock.
  • Hey, Rock, they want you across the street.
    Hei, Rock. Mereka ingin kau ke seberang jalan.
  • Rock, get this damn thing out of here.
    Rock, mendapatkan hal sialan ini keluar dari sini.
  • I mean, just like you tried to use Rock.
    Maksudku, seperti Anda mencoba untuk menggunakan Rock.
  • Take it straight to him and be a rock for me.
    Beri langsung ke dia sekarang.
  • It starts at the wall and goes beyond the rock.
    Dimulai di dinding dan melampaui batu.
  • Stitch Jones is going be a rock and roll star.
    Stitch Jones akan menjadi bintang rock.
  • All who voted for me, say, "Rock the house."
    Yang memilih aku, katakan "Rock the house".
  • You are lucky you have a head like a rock.
    Beruntung kau punya "Kepala Seperti Batu".
  • Do I become, like, a rich rock star?
    Apakah saya memiliki, seperti, yang kaya bintang rock?
  • For the Cave News Network, this is Susan Rock.
    Dari Cave News Network, Disini Susan Rock.
  • I showed a Cave Man how to rock
    I showed a Cave Man how to rock
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