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contoh kalimat rockefeller

"rockefeller" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "rockefeller" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • We've got a wonderful thing called the rockefeller laws.
    Kita mempunyai hal indah bernama "Hukum Rockefeller".
  • He was coming out of the woods by Rockefeller Preserve.
    Dia keluar dari Hutan Rockefeller Preserve.
  • Do you want to go see the Rockefeller tree?
    Apa kau mau pergi melihat pohon Rockefeller?
  • That's what Rockefeller said-- Supreme Court didn't swallow it.
    Itu yang Rockefeller katakan, tapi Pengadilan tidak mempercayainya.
  • Built in the 1 930's for one of the Rockefeller clan.
    Dibangun tahun 1930, oleh "Klan Rockefeller".
  • Can't wait to rock the Rockefeller Center skating rink
    Tidak sabar untuk rock Rockefeller Center skating rink
  • The inscription is kept at Rockefeller Museum.
    Saat ini naskah-naskah tersebut disimpan di Rockefeller Museum.
  • After maintaining the close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller
    Setelah mempertahankan persahabatan dengan Nicholas Rockefeller
  • You think Rockefeller had to do things himself?
    Kau pikir Rockefeller mengerjakan semuanya sendirian?
  • The manuscript is kept in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem.
    Naskah ini disimpan di Rockefeller Museum di Yerusalem.
  • You're the new Rockefeller. A philanthropist.
    Anda adalah Rockefeller yang baru. seorang philanthropist.
  • Both share private quarters at Rockefeller Military Research Center.
    Keduanya tinggal di komplek pribadi di Pusat Penelitian Militer Rockfeller.
  • Funny-sounding people called Rockefeller and Finkelstein.
    Lucu-terdengar orang-orang yang disebut Rockefeller dan Finkelstein.
  • Diego refused... so Rockefeller had it destroyed.
    Diego menolak, maka Rockefeller harus menghancurkannya.
  • What else? Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Du Pont, Mr. Carnegie.
    Tuan Rockefeller, Tuan Vanderbilt, Tuan Du Pont, Tuan Carnegie.
  • You'll only have yourself and governor rockefeller.
    Kau hanya bisa menyalahkan pemerintah,
  • Thinks he's J.D. Rockefeller or something.
    Dia pikir dia J.D.Rockefellow atau semacamnya.
  • Like the Rockefeller Center model, which is kind of from another era.
    seperti model Rockefeller Center, yang datang dari zaman lain.
  • I'm not a Rockefeller, you know.
    Aku bukan Rockefeller, kamu tahu.
  • What do I look like, Rockefeller?
    Apa tampangku mirip bintang rock?
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