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contoh kalimat rockies

"rockies" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Summer reveals the true nature of the Rockies.
    Musim panas menguak peristiwa alam sebenarnya dari Rockies.
  • Ya ever see the sun come up over the Rockies?
    Ya pernah melihat matahari terbit atas Rockies?
  • It has a different name west of the Rockies, I don't know.
    Nama tiap daerah berbeda, entahlah.
  • What have I said about the Rockies all season?
    Apa yang telah saya katakan tentang semua musim Rockies?
  • Travel in the Rockies is almost impossible.
    Perjalanan ke Rockies hampir tidak mungkin.
  • Clear across the Rockies and Great Plains.
    Hapus seluruh Rockies dan Great Plains.
  • I thought I'd at least rate the Rockies.
    Kupikir setidaknya aku setingkat Rocky.
  • We should go to my parents' house in the Rockies.
    Kita harus pergi ke rumah orang tuaku di Rockies.
  • Yeah, I love my Rockies, you know what I'm saying?
    Ya, aku suka Rockies-ku (Nama Gunung), paham maksudku ?
  • We were going to take a skiing holiday up in the Canadian Rockies.
    Kami ingin ski dulu di Pegunungan Kanadia.
  • The computer in the engine, it locked in the middle of the Rockies.
    Mesin komputernya masih tertahan di daerah Rockies.
  • Museum of the Rockies is a museum in Bozeman, Montana.
    Museum of the Rockies adalah sebuah museum di Bozeman, Montana.
  • Chief, we got fog every place east of the Rockies.
    Chief, kita memiliki kabut di setiap tempat ke timur dari Rockies.
  • His sleigh crashed in the rockies.
    Keretanya kecelakaan di the Rockies.
  • The Rockies are no longer rising ... but slowly disintegrating.
    Suhu Pegunungan Rockies (batu) yang tidak lagi naik tetapi lambat akan turun
  • But if you're anywhere south of Chicago or east of the Rockies,
    Tetapi jika kalian berada di selatan Chicago atau timur Rockies,
  • I freaking hand glided off the Rockies in the dead of winter.
    Saya tangan panik meluncur dari Rockies di tengah musim dingin.
  • Oh, you like the Rockies?
    Kau suka Rockies ?
  • Welcome to Cut Bank, Montana, where the Rockies meet the Plains.
    Selamat datang di Cut Bank, Montana, tempat dimana Bebatuan bertemu dengan Dataran.
  • Welcome to Cut Bank, Montana, where the Rockies meet the Plains.
    Selamat datang di Cut Bank, Montana, ...tempat dimana Bebatuan bertemu dengan Dataran.
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