contoh kalimat rumbai-rumbai
- Generally worn in the winter, the kozhukh was normally made of sheepskin, sometimes decorated with embroidery and with leather, cords, tassels, and other accessories.
Umumnya dipakai pada musim dingin, kozhukh biasanya terbuat dari kulit kambing, kadang-kadang dihiasi dengan bordir dan dengan kulit samakan, tali-temali, rumbai-rumbai, dan aksesoris lainnya. - Perhaps the gaudiest Jeep® vehicle ever, the Surrey was available in three color schemes, Tropical Rose and Coral Mist, Jade Tint Green and Glacier White, and Cerulean Blue and Glacier White with a matching striped interior and striped top with fringe.
Surrey, konon merupakan model Jeep® paling norak yang pernah ada, tersedia dalam tiga perpaduan warna yakni Tropical Rose dan Coral Mist, Jade Tint Green, dan Glacier White, serta Cerulean Blue dan Glacier White, dengan interior bergaris yang senada serta atap motif garis dengan rumbai-rumbai.