contoh kalimat sailplane
- The Antonov A-13 was a Soviet aerobatic sailplane flown in the 1950s and 1960s.
Antonov A-13 adalah sailplane aerobatic Soviet diterbangkan pada tahun 1950 dan 60-an. - The B?lkow Phoebus is a glass fibre composite competition sailplane, designed and produced in Germany in the 1960s.
B?lkow Phoebus adalah sailplane kompetisi komposit serat gelas, dirancang dan diproduksi di Jerman pada 1960-an. - The sailplane was originally designed and built by Technoflug in Germany and is now manufactured by AMS-Flight in Slovenia.
Sailplane ini awalnya dirancang dan dibangun oleh Technoflug di Jerman dan sekarang diproduksi oleh AMS-Flight di Slovenia. - The Stemme S10 is a self-launching sailplane produced by Stemme AG in Strausberg (Germany) since the 1980s.
Stemme S10 adalah sailplane pesawat terbang glider bermotor launching diri diproduksi oleh Stemme AG di Strausberg (Jerman) sejak 1980-an. - The Antonov A-11 is a single-seat, high performance, all-metal sailplane built in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s.
Antonov A-11 adalah sailplane kursi tunggal, kinerja tinggi, semua logam dibangun di Uni Soviet pada akhir 1950-an. - The Antonov A-9 was a single-seat sailplane designed and built in the USSR in the 1940s, a development of the record setting Red Front 7.
Antonov A-9 adalah sailplane kursi tunggal dirancang dan dibangun di Uni Soviet pada tahun 1940-an, merupakan pengembangan dari catatan pengaturan Red Front 7. - The company is led by John Monnett who has designed the Monnett Sonerai sport aircraft series, Monnett Monerai sailplane, Monnett Moni motorglider, and Monnett Monex racer.
Perusahaan ini dipimpin oleh John Monnett yang telah merancang seri pesawat olahraga Monnett Sonerai, sailplane Monnett Monerai, motorglider Monnett Moni, dan pembalap Monnett Monex.