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contoh kalimat school

"school" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • So we opened the world’s first flight school.
    Jadi kami membuka sekolah penerbangan pertama di dunia.
  • He thought, "Oh, I can renovate the school.
    Dia berpikir, “Oh, saya dapat merenovasi sekolah ini.
  • So Dai Manju basically finished out middle school.
    Jadi, Dai Manju akhirnya berhasil menyelesaikan sekolah menengah.
  • We had primary school actually started in 1842.
    Pendidikan dasar sebenarnya baru dimulai pada tahun 1842.
  • I had a really hard time in school.
    Dulu saya mengalami masa yang berat di sekolah.
  • She goes to school on the first day.
    Dia pun pergi ke sekolah pada hari pertama.
  • "I don't want to go to school today.
    "Saya tidak ingin pergi ke sekolah hari ini.
  • Because there had not been any school for girls.
    Sebab belum ada sekolah untuk anak-anak perempuan.
  • The first one is the school extension, of course.
    Yang pertama adalah perluasan sekolah, tentu saja.
  • He was 15, a freshman in high school.
    Dia berusia 15 tahun, baru saja masuk SMA.
  • We're sending a little Korean boy through school.
    Kami mengirimkan seorang anak kecil Korea melalui sekolah.
  • Do you think Cathy's alright at the school?
    Apakah menurut Anda baik-baik saja Cathy di sekolah?
  • Do you think she's alright at the school?
    Apakah Anda pikir dia baik-baik saja di sekolah?
  • Or perhaps you're putting your kid brother through school?
    Atau mungkin Kau pakai untuk sekolah keponakanmu?
  • I used to clean shoes when I was at school.
    Aku membersihkan sepatu ke sekolah .
  • Josette took Booboo to school. Gramps is still asleep.
    Josette mengambil Booboo ke sekolah, Kakek tertidur.
  • You don't want to be late for school, son.
    Kau tak ingin terlambat sekolah kan nak!
  • I'll work as soon as I leave school.
    Saya akan bekerja segera karena saya meninggalkan sekolah.
  • Are you or aren't you going to school?
    Apakah Anda atau Anda tidak akan ke sekolah?
  • Get out of bed, first day of school.
    Dapatkan keluar dari tempat tidur, hari pertama sekolah.
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