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contoh kalimat schoolhouse

"schoolhouse" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • In this old abandoned schoolhouse... I mean, Steve Jones saw something.
    Di sekolah yang di tnggalkan.
  • It is prohibited to enter the abandoned schoolhouse there.
    tidak ada yang boleh masuk sana.
  • Someone in the abandoned schoolhouse.
    Ada seseorang di gedung sekolah lama! Ayo kita ke sana.
  • Um, I ran a schoolhouse in a settlement in Wisconsin.
    Aku punya sekolah di Wisconsin.
  • He'd double that schoolmaster up and lay him on a shelf in his schoolhouse!
    Diamenggandakanguruyangup danmembaringkannyadi rak disekolahnya!
  • I reckon the new schoolhouse is finally done.
    Sekolah yang kudirikan sudah hampir selesai.
  • Began as a schoolhouse and ended as a temple.
    Diawali sebagai rumah sekolah dan berakhir sebagai rumah ibadah.
  • He's also the man who took out the terrorist in that schoolhouse.
    Dia juga yang menggagalkan teroris di sekolah.
  • Sam, this is the finest schoolhouse in all of Texas.
    Sam, ini adalah gedung sekolah terbaik di seluruh Texas.
  • I told them you remember what happened in the schoolhouse.
    Kubilang mereka kau ingat apa yang terjadi di sana.
  • What Jack said in the schoolhouse... Well, was he right about you?
    apa yang Jack katakan di sekolah... apakah itu benar?
  • He'd burned a schoolhouse.
    Ia akan membakar sebuah gedung sekolah.
  • Can you hit the schoolhouse?
    Dapatkah anda menekan gedung sekolah?
  • I want to order a pizza. There's a back door, toward the schoolhouse. Come on.
    Aku ingin memesan pizza. tembus ke sekolah.
  • Called Earth is not a cosmic schoolhouse where humans are
    disebut Bumi bukanlah sekolah kosmik tempat manusia berada
  • They built a schoolhouse.
    Kami membangun sekolah .
  • In 1863 Alderman Newton's Boys' School built a schoolhouse on part of the site.
    Pada tahun 1863 Alderman Newton's Boys 'School membangun sekolah di bagian situs.
  • She was educated at private schools, beginning at age two at the Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse.
    Dia bersekolah disekolah-sekolah swasta, dimulai diusia dua tahun di Hollywood Little Red Schoolhouse.
  • Kunto Nurcahyoko and Harrison Rosenberg co-facilitate an English workshop in the courtyard outside of the schoolhouse.
    Kunto Nurcahyoko dan Harrison Rosenberg memfasilitasi kelas Bahasa Inggris di halaman sekolah.
  • I can spell it, too, learned it the same place you did, in the schoolhouse,
    Aku bisa mengeja itu juga, belajar itu tempat yang sama Anda lakukan, di gedung sekolah,
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