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contoh kalimat sesaat

"sesaat" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And pretty soon, the average price was 192 dollars.
    Sesaat kemudian, harga rata-ratanya adalah 192 dolar.
  • Did you think about your children for a second?
    Tidakkah kau berpikir tentang anak-anakmu sesaat saja?
  • We made her a stranger in a moment!
    Kita menjadikan dia sebagai orang asing dalam sesaat!
  • For a while, we were untouchable in our happiness.
    Untuk sesaat, kami benar-benar larut dalam kebahagiaan
  • But I just heard you a moment ago.
    Tapi Ibu baru mendengar kau menangis sesaat lalu.
  • One minute you're here, and the next you're gone.
    Sesaat kau disini, lalu tiba-tiba kau pergi.
  • You're distracted for an instant and he hits you.
    Kau teralihkan untuk sesaat dan dia memukulmu.
  • For a moment there, I was already forgetting your name.
    Untuk sesaat, aku sudah melupakan namamu.
  • Guy's being a right cunt at the minute, isn't he?
    Seseorang memiIiki rasa takut sesaat, kan?
  • You know, for a moment, I thought you cared.
    Untuk sesaat, menurutku kamu punya rasa kepedulian.
  • We'll turn off the seat-belt sign in a minute.
    Kami akan mematikan tanda seatbelt sesaat lagi.
  • It happened as soon as Misa was set free.
    Ini terjadi hanya sesaat setelah Misa dibebaskan.
  • But of course, that only lasted a short while.
    Tapi tentu saja, hal itu hanya sesaat.
  • For a moment, it seemed his body wasn't strong enough.
    Sesaat, sepertinya tubuhnya tak cukup kuat.
  • There's so many applications for causing short-term paralysis.
    Ada begitu banyak alat untuk membuat lumpuh sesaat.
  • Yes, because of all the mortal peril, of course.
    Ya, karena semua bahaya sesaat, tentu saja.
  • Then, honey, for a little while, let's not worry.
    Maka, Sayang, untuk waktu sesaat, janganlah kuatir.
  • Piccolo would leave behind his offspring before dying.
    Piccolo meninggalkan Benih-nya (Penerus) sesaat sebelum ia mati.
  • Could you maybe be nice for just a second?
    Bisakah kau bersikap manis untuk sesaat saja?
  • And in just one moment my life had changed
    Dan hanya dalam sesaat hidupku telah berubah
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