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contoh kalimat shucks

"shucks" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You went all out today, Mrs. Egan. Shucks.
    Kau kelihatan luar biasa hari ini, Nyonya Egan.
  • Ahh shucks... I'll... get that tea, that sugar,
    Ahh sial... aku akan... mengambil teh, gulanya,
  • Why do not you act alone, shucks?
    Kenapa tidak kau saja yang bertindak sendiri, kampret?
  • I told you to try as much as possible, shucks!
    Aku menyuruh kalian berusaha semaksimal mungkin, kampret!
  • "Oh, shucks, I'm just in from the country.
    "Sial, aku baru datang dari pedesaan.
  • You think I do not dare, shucks?
    Kau pikir aku tidak berani, kampret?
  • Oh, shucks, I knew I had.
    Oh, kampret, aku tahu aku punya.
  • Oh, shucks --you're all out of wreaths.
    Oh, sial..kalian kehabisan stoknya.
  • Kapoor Uncle, come in, think of it as your home, oh shucks
    Paman Kapoor, masuklah, anggap saja rumah sendiri, oh sial
  • Never seen a guy like him Shucks
    Jangan berpikir sederhana begitu
  • Shucks, Look at his face!
    Kampret! Coba lihat tampang brengseknya itu!
  • Shucks, what are you afraid of?
    Kampret, apa yang kau takutkan?
  • Oh shucks, I don't know.
    Oh kampret, saya tidak tahu.
  • Save the, "Aw, shucks" for Betty.
    Simpan penyesalannya untuk Betty.
  • Oh shucks, the camera broke
    Oh sial, kameranya rusak
  • Aw, shucks, I bet you say that to all the girls.
    Yang benar saja, ku rasa kau pasti mengatakan itu ke setiap wanita.
  • Shucks, no funny stuff you!
    Kampret, jangan macam-macam kau!
  • Do not overdo it, shucks.
    Tidak usah berlebihan, kampret.
  • Basic shucks you pinhead!
    Dasar kalian kampret otak udang!
  • Do not play dumb, shucks!
    Jangan berlagak bodoh, kampret!
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2