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contoh kalimat silau

"silau" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I'm falling at your feet blinded by admiration!
    Saya tersandung di kakimu silau karena pesona anda!
  • ♫ Your eyes may blister your muscles, they sore ♫
    ¶ Matamu mungkin silau Otot-ototmu kelelahan ¶
  • Look for that glare, see if it shows up again.
    Carilah silau, lihat jika itu muncul lagi.
  • It's gonna be bright, cold, and really loud.
    Nanti akan silau, dingin, dan sangat berisik.
  • I thought I'd go blind from the shine.
    Ku kira aku silau karena cahayanya.
  • It's blinding, why do you have to do that don't you know?
    silau, kenapa kamu menyorotku tau tidak?
  • ♫ Blisters and blood and the sun makes you blind ♫
    Silau dan lelah matahari membuatmu buta ¶
  • Feeble light in the glare of the very bright star.
    lemah cahaya di silau dari bintang yang sangat cerah.
  • ...reminds me of the killer's chilling glare from the movie.
    ... Mengingatkan saya silau dingin si pembunuh dari film.
  • No helmet glare, confirming that this is The Scarlet Speedster.
    Ada helm silau, Mengkonfirmasikan bahwa ini adalah speedster merah.
  • I mean, look at that white glare.
    Maksudku, lihat itu silau putih.
  • He doesn't like this harsh light.
    Dia tidak menyukai cahaya yang silau.
  • I thought you were gonna say the sun was in your eyes.
    Kupikir kau akan bilang kalau kedua matamu silau.
  • Talking about the movie reminds me of the killer's chilling glare
    Berbicara tentang film mengingatkan saya silau dingin si pembunuh
  • There's a... there's a glare thing happening here.
    Agak sedikit silau disini.
  • Well, light was strong while it lasted.
    Cahayanya cukup silau saat bersinar.
  • It's really not that bright in here.
    Di sini tak terlalu silau.
  • Idiot's got his brights on. Ugh.
    Orang bodoh itu membuat silau.
  • How about that uncomfortable glare you're beginning to feel from the sun?
    Bagaimana tentang itu silau nyaman Anda mulai merasa dari matahari?
  • He's so blinded by it, he no longer thinks like a cop.
    Dia sangat silau dengannya, dia tak lagi berpikir seperti polisi.
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