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contoh kalimat slope

"slope" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The long slope in the center, there's where he's most vulnerable.
    di situ yang paling rentan.
  • Every bend in the road, every slope, every field.
    Setiap tikungan jalan, setiap lereng, setiap bidang.
  • You'd expect to get back on the ski slopes?
    Anda harapkan untuk kembali di lereng ski?
  • We replaced all the posts on the north slope.
    Kami mengganti semua posting di lereng utara.
  • People often falter on the slippery slopes of relationships
    Orang-orang senantiasa bimbang Pada hubungan yang riskan.
  • If a line is horizontal the slope is zero.
    Jika garis horizontal maka kemiringan bernilai nol.
  • The English translation of Bia?ystok is "white slope".
    Terjemahan Bia?ystok dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah "lereng putih".
  • Now, you're gonna go down a very gentle slope.
    Sekarang, kau akan menuruni lereng yang sangat lembut.
  • We don't pull her off the slopes for only a 4.9.
    Kita tidak akan mengganggunya karena 4,9.
  • Team A and B get ready at the slopes
    Tim A dan B bersiap dilereng
  • Well, we've got hot springs, private ski slopes, you name it.
    Cium aku juga, dong!
  • All you slopes are supposed to be good at math, right?
    Kalian pandai matematika, 'kan?
  • We are very close to the slippery slope right now.
    Kami sangat dekat dengan kemiringan licin sekarang.
  • After they finish, we should do the slope too.
    Setelah mereka selesai, kita harus melakukan lereng juga.
  • Gyeong Seok is headed to the ski slope tomorrow.
    Gyeong Seok akan pergi ke area ski besok.
  • The ski slope that we're separating into two, how's it going?
    Bagaimana proyek lereng ski?
  • " A bus coach crashed on the slope "
    Seorang pelatih jatuh dari atas lereng
  • I was so proud of you on the slopes today.
    Aku sangat bangga padamu di seluncuran tadi.
  • And she took that box and she sloped off.
    Dan dia membawa kotak itu dan langsung pergi.
  • I teach at a gay preschool in Park Slope.
    Aku guru di PAUD gay di Park Slope.
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