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"st" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • "Winnipeg to St. Paul, 500 miles."
    " Winnipeg ke St Paul , 500 km . "
  • The kidnappers called me at St. Paul School.
    Para penculik disebut saya di St Paul School.
  • Expelled from St John Fisher's, Hogarth, Glenbrook Junior.
    Diusir dari St John Fisher, Hogarth, Glenbrook Junior.
  • In the Army of the Shenandoah, you were the 1 st Brigade.
    kalian adalah Brigade pertama.
  • In the Army of the Potomac, you were the 1 st Brigade.
    kalian adalah Brigade pertama.
  • Do they use a cane at St. Brutus', boy?
    Apakah mereka menggunakan tongkat di St. Brutus?
  • I've already spoken to the Principal of St. Paul's
    Saya sudah bicara kepada Kepala St Paul
  • They're Tutsi children from the St. Francis orphanage.
    Mereka anak Tutsi dari panti asuhan St. Francis
  • A coquille St. Jacques with a lemon butter reduction.
    coquille St. Jacques dengan potongan mentega lemon.
  • St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
    St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
  • St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
    St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
  • St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
    St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
  • St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
    St. George, St. George, St. George, St. George
  • Viadoxic and St. Mary's in less than a week.
    Viadoxic dan St. Mary's kurang dari seminggu.
  • My family has a cabin by Lake St George.
    keluargaku memiliki kabin di danau St George.
  • There's a lot of pressure here at St. Donovan's!
    Terlalu banyak penghalang di St. Donovan ini!
  • Yeah, he's in intensive care at St. Luke's.
    Yeah, dia dalam perawayan intensif di St. Luke's.
  • Yeah, and St. Valentine 's Day is coming up.
    Ya, dan sebentar lagi hari St. Valentine.
  • Hear about that horrible thing at St. Paul's?
    Apa kamu dengar hal mengerikan di St. Paul?
  • Take her down to the ER at St. Augustus.
    Bawa dia ke ER di St. Augustus.
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