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contoh kalimat stafford

"stafford" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Do you have any questions for me, Mrs. Stafford?
    Apa ada pertanyaan untukku, Mrs. Stafford?
  • Mrs. Stafford, I finished the laundry.
    Mrs. Stafford, aku sudah selesai dengan laundry. Terima kasih.
  • OK. Andy Stafford here has a file for you.
    Andy Stafford di sini punya satu berkas untukmu.
  • Stafford sees her as a "warrior queen", "Like
    Stafford menilainya sebagai "ratu pendekar", yang "seperti
  • 1314 Walnut Forest Road in Stafford County.
    1314 Walnut Forest Jalan di Stafford County.
  • Sir Richard Stafford Cripps is buried here.
    Letnan Jenderal Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles menjadi direksi di lembaga tersebut.
  • Securing the Stafford arms for the press conference.
    Mengamankan Stafford untuk konferensi pers.
  • You know what's dangerous, Mr. Stafford?
    Kau tahu apa yang bahaya, Mr. Stafford?
  • Harry Stafford (1869–1940) was an English football player.
    Harry Stafford (1869 - 1940) adalah seorang pemain sepak bola Inggris.
  • She's also the first Mrs. Stafford and a world-class psycho.
    Dia juga istri pertama Mr. Stafford, sekaligus Psycho kelas wahid.
  • I saw you coming out of the Stafford house this morning.
    Kulihat kau keluar dari rumah keluarga Stafford pagi ini.
  • I cannot work on what I cannot see, Mr. Stafford.
    Aku tak bisa mengerjakan apa yang tak kulihat, Mr. Stafford.
  • But you run it all through Stafford.
    Tapi kau menjalankannya melalui Stafford.
  • "James Francis Cardinal Stafford".
    Holy See. ^ (Inggris) "James Francis Cardinal Stafford".
  • He'll meet us tomorrow at the Stafford Hotel in San Francisco.
    Ayah akan menemui kita besok di Hotel Stafford di San Francisco.
  • Honey, a dog at the Stafford?
    Sayang, anjing di hotel?
  • So you tell Stafford, C6.
    Kau katakan pada Stafford, C6.
  • Then why choose Stafford?
    Lalu kenapa kau memilih Stafford?
  • Mary marries William Stafford and they have two children, Anne and Edward.
    Mary menikah dengan William Stafford, memiliki dua anak, Anne dan Edward.
  • Alan Stafford Loves Always Wet Warm Love Hole...
    Alan Stafford Loves Selalu Basah Warm Cinta H...
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