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contoh kalimat system

"system" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And you know about the Internet-based self-organizing systems.
    Dan Anda tahu tentang sistem swaorganisasi berbasis internet.
  • And learning is most likely a self-organizing system.
    Dan proses belajar paling mungkin adalah sistem swaorganisasi.
  • Orgasm is a reflex of the autonomic nervous system.
    Orgasme adalah refleks dari sistem saraf otonom.
  • Dopamine system, the wanting system, is much more centralized.
    Sistem Dopamine, sistem keinginan, jauh lebih terpusat.
  • Dopamine system, the wanting system, is much more centralized.
    Sistem Dopamine, sistem keinginan, jauh lebih terpusat.
  • I wanted to test the limits of the system.
    Saya ingin menguji limit dari sistem ini.
  • And this is the sleep tracking system of today.
    Dan inilah sistem pemantau tidur masa kini.
  • Because in nature, mushrooms are the recycling system.
    Karena di alam jamur adalah sistem daur ulangnya.
  • And so for that, he's called crazy by the system.
    dan karena itu, ia disebut gila.
  • It's going to destroy the living systems there.
    Minyak ini akan menghancurkan sistem kehidupan di sana.
  • It's the randomness, the disorder, the chaoticness of some systems.
    Ketidakteraturan, kekacauan, kesemrawutan dari beberapa sistem.
  • And we delivered the world's first hypertext system.
    Dan kami meluncurkan sistem hiperteks pertama di dunia.
  • So we're on a road towards living systems.
    Jadi kami telah berada di jalur sistem hidup.
  • All of System D really doesn't pay taxes, right?
    Semua Sistem D tidak membayar pajak, kan?
  • It's part of their visual guidance system.
    Karena ini adalah bagian dari sistem pemandu visual mereka.
  • The point is that education is not a mechanical system.
    Intinya, pendidikan bukanlah sebuah sistem mekanik.
  • It's still sort of locked away in the banking system today.
    tapi disimpan dalam sistem perbankan.
  • It was our way of hacking the political system.
    Ini adalah cara kami meng-hack sistem politik.
  • Transporter system fully repaired and functioning normally, sir.
    Sistem transporter sepenuhnya diperbaiki dan berfungsi normal, pak.
  • Wormhole distortion has overloaded the main power systems.
    Distorsi lubang cacing telah membebani sistem tenaga utama.
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