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contoh kalimat tampak

"tampak" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The sow doesn't look to be in the throes of ecstasy."
    Babi-babi ini tidak tampak menikmatinya."
  • And this is what it looks like with visible light.
    Dan inilah tampaknya dengan cahaya tampak.
  • It looks like the Willy Wonka factory at this point.
    Ini tampak seperti pabrik Willy Wonka.
  • But in the end everything seemed to be under control.
    Namun pada akhirnya semuanya tampak terkendali.
  • Oh, they're all right, but will soon rot
    Itu tampak bagus, tapi itu akan segera membusuk.
  • Oh, but doesn't that seem a little absurd?
    Oh, tetapi tidakkah itu tampak sedikit konyol ?
  • Our good times must seem silly to you.
    kali baik kita harus tampak konyol kepada Anda.
  • Who's the owner of that... hot-looking car?
    Siapa yang pemilik yang ... panas yang tampak mobil?
  • Mr. Foreman? We all saw what it looks like.
    Kita semua melihat apa yang tampak seperti.
  • Now, I've made these into rather nice little waistcoats.
    sekarang, aku membuatnya agar tampak seperti rompi.
  • The last three years seem more like three hundred.
    Tiga tahun terakhir tampak seperti tiga ratus.
  • She looks more like him than I do.
    Dia tampak lebih seperti dia daripada aku lakukan.
  • My legs always looked ridiculous in those shorts.
    Kakiku selalu tampak konyol Kalau memakai celana pendek.
  • It looks as though the Douglas car is having trouble.
    Tampak seolah-olah mobil Douglas mengalami kesulitan.
  • Go ahead, make me look foolish in her eyes.
    Teruskan, buat aku tampak bodoh di depannya.
  • I saw your lawyer, he looks rather optimistic.
    Aku melihat pengacara Anda, dia tampak agak optimis.
  • Hey, Paulie, you look kind of skinny there, huh.
    Hei, Paulie. Kau tampak agak kurus, hah.
  • Here's King Harold of England looking a little glum.
    Berikut Raja Harold Inggris tampak sedikit murung.
  • You look like you're ready to keel over, Will.
    Kau tampak seperti kau siap terjungkir, Will.
  • Do I look like a farm boy to you?
    Apa aku tampak seperti anak petani menurutmu?
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