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contoh kalimat tercekik

"tercekik" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Do you see me simply smothered in cloth?
    Apakah kalian melihat saya hanya seperti tercekik pakaian?
  • But now the roads are choked with the dispossessed.
    Tapi sekarang jalan yang tercekik dengan direbut.
  • I was suffocating while being squashed by my sister-in-law.
    Aku tercekik saat sedang terjepit oleh-kakak iparku.
  • Then half-strangled and in shock, she fainted.
    Lalu saat itu dia setengah tercekik, kaget lalu pingsan.
  • How did they suffocate if they weren't strangled?
    Bagaimana mereka tercekik padahal mereka tak tercekik ?
  • How did they suffocate if they weren't strangled?
    Bagaimana mereka tercekik padahal mereka tak tercekik ?
  • Even though she's up to her neck in legal bills,
    Walau ia tercekik biaya pengurusan imigrasi,
  • Her scarf got caught and... she choked to death.
    Syalnya tersangkut dan... dia tercekik hingga mati.
  • The petechiae there and there are consistent with strangulation.
    Kedua bagian ini cocok dengan tanda tercekik.
  • I couldn't even speak I was so choked up.
    Saya bahkan tidak bisa berkata-kata, saya benar-benar tercekik.
  • Eat it till you choke, you sick, twisted fuck!
    Makanlah sampai kau tercekik, kau sakit, orang gila!
  • You want Rs. 699.55 apart from Rs. 100000?
    Membayar dengan cepat. Saya m mendapatkan tercekik di sini.
  • Now, we must watch him strangle to death.
    Sekarang kita harus melihatnya tercekik sampai mati.
  • Young boys have been smothered in chimneys before now.
    Seorang anak muda telah tercekik di sana sebelumnya.
  • How long does it take someone to suffocate?
    berapa lama orang akan mati jika tercekik?
  • I have pig-strangling blood in my arm?
    Aku punya darah keturunan Babi tercekik di lenganku?
  • You finally made it all the way without choking up.
    Kamu akhirnya berjaya tanpa tercekik.
  • Now your throat's tightening. You can't breathe.
    Sekarang tenggorokan mu tercekik kamu tidak bisa bernafas
  • I'm suffocating in here. I can't breathe.
    Aku tercekik di sini, Aku tak bisa bernafas.
  • Do you know what it feels like to be strangled to death?
    Kau tahu rasanya mati tercekik?
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