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contoh kalimat tersebar

"tersebar" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And the disease was all over the world.
    Dan penyakit tersebut telah tersebar ke seluruh dunia.
  • This picture is all over the internet right now.
    Foto ini sudah tersebar di internet sekarang.
  • My family is spread all over this part of Virginia.
    Keluargaku tersebar di seluruh bagian Virginia.
  • And it was beginning to spread all over Paris.
    Dan mulai untuk tersebar di seluruh Paris.
  • Every last piece that went astray, we have returned.
    Semua keping yang tersebar telah kita kembalikan
  • We'll lose face if word of this gets out.
    Kita akan kehilangan muka jika ini tersebar.
  • 13 crime scenes spread over a contained region.
    13 TKP yang tersebar atas wilayah yang terkandung.
  • The virus must be scattered simultaneously in various areas.
    Virus harus tersebar serentak di berbagai daerah.
  • The shoals are so dispersed they're hard to find.
    Para beting begitu tersebar mereka sulit ditemukan.
  • She did quite a spread on Tony last year.
    Dia cukup tersebar di Tony tahun lalu.
  • But as word of mouth continues to spread,
    ...tapi selagi kabar tersebar dari mulut ke mulut
  • Placenta blew out all over the back window there.
    plasentanya tersebar di mana-mana sampai jendela belakang.
  • A hundred and forty-seven buildings, spread out all over Manhattan.
    147 Gedung, tersebar di seluruh Manhattan.
  • It was you who made the rumors spread around!
    Itu kau yang membuat desas-desus tersebar di!
  • The family was found scattered in the area.
    Ketika ditemukan, keluarga hancur tersebar di daerah tersebut.
  • We didn't want this going out over the radio.
    Kami tak mau ini tersebar di radio.
  • There are pieces of her scattered from Plymouth to Springfield.
    Potongan-potongannya tersebar dari Plymouth ke Springfield.
  • She embarrassed him... and I think that's why he killed himself.
    foto pribadi ku juga tersebar
  • What if I don't want my story told?
    Bagaimana kalau aku tak ingin ini tersebar ?
  • It's been all over the internet this week.
    Berita ini sudah tersebar di internet minggu ini.
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