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contoh kalimat tersesat

"tersesat" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You can fall off the map, but don't fall apart.
    Kamu boleh tersesat,, tapi janganlah hancur.
  • You can fall off the map, but don't fall apart.
    Kamu boleh tersesat, tapi janganlah hancur.
  • Then last year, December 4th, you just wandered away.
    Kemudian tahun lalu, 4 Desember Kau tersesat.
  • Totoro! Mei is lost and we can't find her!
    Totoro, Mei tersesat dan kami belum menemukannya!
  • You get above the 50s, you get disoriented.
    Usiamu sudah di atas 50, kau mudah tersesat.
  • This is not a stray pilot with a MiG.
    Ini bukan pilot tersesat dengan sebuah MiG.
  • I'm lost! Which way is it to go back! ?
    Aku tersesat! Gill akan datang padamu!
  • You feel so lost so cut off, so alone.
    Kalu merasa tersesat.. ..sangat terpisah, sangat kesepian.
  • Without the viceroy, they will be lost and confused.
    Tanpa Ketua, mereka akan tersesat dan bingung.
  • For there are souls still wandering on Earth, seeking your answer.
    Menentramkan jiwa- jiwa yang tersesat.
  • Yes, spirits that are confused , lost and angry.
    Ya, roh yang bingung, tersesat dan marah.
  • There are no turns, so you can't get lost.
    Tak ada belokan jadi kau takkan tersesat.
  • If we're lost, it means the map is wrong.
    Jika kita tersesat, itu berarti petanya salah.
  • It's important. - This kid, his mom's in surgery.
    Apa kau lihat anak tersesat di sini?
  • "And anytime there's a soul that's lost or..."
    "Dan kapan pun ada jiwa yang tersesat atau..."
  • The Lord knows that I'm lost
    "Tuhan tahu bahwa aku tersesat" Khuda Jaane Mein Mitt Gaya
  • I think after his dad died, he just lost it--
    Setelah ayahnya mati, dia seperti tersesat.
  • We were looking for someone and got lost, obviously.
    Kami sedang mencari seseorang dan tersesat, jelas.
  • But what if I get lost in the dark?
    Tapi bagaimana kalau aku tersesat dalam gelap?
  • To leave you lost in this swamp forever.
    Untuk meninggalkan Anda tersesat di rawa-rawa ini selamanya.
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