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contoh kalimat tiba

"tiba" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • The demands of modern institutional thinking is coming in.
    Dan tuntutan pemikiran institusional modern pun tiba.
  • The films of the honeymoon have arrived at last.
    Film-film dari bulan madu kita sudah tiba.
  • Because the first people will be arriving any moment.
    Karena para tamu akan tiba sebentar lagi.
  • You've been trying to since you got here.
    Kau sudah mencoba sejak Kau tiba di sini.
  • Your Grace, Bishop Folliot has arrived from London.
    Anda Grace, FoIliot Uskup telah tiba dari London.
  • Deuzio, leave here before the army arrives.
    Kedua, Pergi dari tempat ini secepatnya. tentara akan tiba.
  • In 10 days, we could be in Berlin.
    Dalam 10 hari kita bisa tiba di Berlin.
  • How will I know when my number's up?
    Bagaimana aku akan tahu kalau Waktuku sudah tiba?
  • How long before that helicopter gets here?
    Berapa lama sebelum helikopter itu tiba di sini ?
  • When the time is ripe, we shall be together.
    Saat waktunya tiba, kami akan bersama lagi.
  • The pigeon has reach the Dovecote, Eminence.
    Merpati telah tiba di rumah burung (Dovecote), Yang Mulia.
  • Listen, when he does, I'll let you know.
    Dengar, jika dia sudah tiba. Akan kuberitahu kau.
  • General, thank God you got here, sir.
    Jenderal, terima kasih Tuhan Anda tiba di sini, Pak.
  • David's lacerations were dressed before he arrived here.
    Laserasi David berpakaian sebelum dia tiba di sini.
  • Did you tell him that she's arriving today?
    Kau bilang padanya? Kalau dia tiba hari ini?
  • When I arrived, Duccio had already felt better.
    Ketika saya tiba, Duccio sudah merasa lebih baik.
  • Long enough for Reynolds and the infantry to arrive.
    Cukup lama bagi Reynolds dan infanteri tiba.
  • Harbinger... where were you when the patrol boat arrived?
    Harbinger... Dimana kau, ketika kapal patroli tiba?
  • The cops are gonna be here any fucking second!
    Polisi akan tiba di sini setiap saat!
  • Did you tell him that she's arriving today?
    Kau bilang padanya kalau Jade tiba hari ini?
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